So I just looked at http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1182067-other-ways-to-improve-teamplay/ about his concerns for how Brink has tried to deal with the lone-wolf'ing. From what I understand they have taken out stats to some extent, in that it doesn't record your K/Dr and all the other stuff. At first I got a little worried about that, because I know that in MAG, once you hit max-level, it became a subconscious obsession to maintain a high K/Dr, however, for me it never got to the COD-extent, which was a trap that many other MAG-players fell into and they began to leave games if they did poorly, or were about to lose. :S Wonderful, huh?
Anyway, having thought about this for a bit, I completely agree with SD's rationale, just from looking at myself, I recognize the self-generated "mental-pressure" these stats put on players, which in turn alter their behaviour drastically. However, here's my question! Seeing as I am still very competitive, I was wondering whether stats for single matches will still be recorded and shown at the end of a game? Because as much as I like SD for removing the long-term stats, I'd still like to see the skilled players get some credit and recognition at the end of a game.
