I just got a 7000 gold bounty in the latter when the guards jumped on me because of her.
In my game, she's stuck in one of the towers in the Soul Cairn. I had saved at least twice (I hope not three times) before I realized she hadn't and wouldn't catch up to me. Once I found her, she'll run up to me and comment, trade stuff, etc. normally, but only on a small patch of floor; if I try to lead her off of it, she teleports back to her starting point near the center of the area. I only worked this out last night, so I haven't looked to see if my third save is prior to this glitch(I only keep three saves per character). I don't have the option to order her to go anywhere, so I can't try to manually move her out of the tower. Any advice/suggestions?
Well, that again depends on if they are undead or unalive
Seeing as eating food provdies them benefits and they can drown underwater, i'm going to say they're unalive