» Tue May 14, 2013 5:37 am
He was a vet of the great war, retaking markath was a significant event and from the start of the game he clearly has his own army and is waging a major military campaign against the empire and has made significant gains, he then proceeds to make more significant gains eventually driving the empire out of skyrim.
Incompetent people by virtue of being incompetent, cannot do this, especially not in the way Ulfric does.
Free winter is hardly a trustworthy source of information. The man is a bigot and layabout, and even if it is true, the Windhelm economy is still running, windhelm is still standing, it is doing well enough to have a bunch of foreigners willing to work and live in and around it, it has guards, and armies etc. Besides, what exactly is the terrible fault there? using resources to fight for a cause? not valuing money over values and success? throughout history societies have reached deep into their pockets to fight wars, and if ulfric is scraping the battle and still waging a successful war, that just means he is an extremely popular and competent leader.
Besides, if he wins the whole country any bankruptcy problems form the war will be mostly irrelevant because, again, he will be rolling in money and it will be his government that gives legitimacy to currency.
Riften won't need to worry about repair funds if Ulfric wins.
And on the contrary, his challenge to the throne and defeating of Torygg in a duel was totally political. He clearly understood the rules of Skyrim and he clearly had supporters. In fact, the fact that he didn't have to play conventional politics to get his rebellion off the ground would be more evidence to suggest that he is some kind of military and political genius. Regular joes may not think it wise to pull off a stunt like the ones Ulfric has, but that's because they are regular joes. Ulfric isn't a regular joe.
Your criticism is actually very absurd if you think about it. It's like saying that a champion martial artist isn't a competent martial artist because he doesn't stick to orthodox techniques. It's like, totally missing the point, focussing on imaginary rules and valuing form over the very thing the forms were developed in attempt to achieve, success. Ulfric succeeds.
You're now lying and creating a straw man argument. I didn't say that economics wasn't important, I simply placed money in its correct place in the hierarchy of importance and power, and that is, below government and material resources.
Simply put, if Ulfric takes the whole of skyrim and its resources, he will not have much to worry about financially.
lol....you don't really understand................the whole "independent skyrim" thing do you? It's as if your mind literally cannot perform the necessary abstractions required to conceive of a non-imperial ideology. Yeah, you're right, if skyrim goes independent.....then that would effectively take them out of the imperial economy and if that happens wow... they might as well not even be under imperial rule.
Sarcasm aside, seriously, do you actually know what the word "independent" means? Look it up, then think about it a second. I'll assume that the mostly self sufficient nature of these medieval-style economies and thus less room for trade dependency to be a problem is too obvious to mention.
An overwhelmingly self sufficient society being faced with the prospect of autarky is as intimidating a situation as threatening a windmill owner with wind.
Skyrim the computer game is a pretty good source.
Military experience, check, liberates city from native uprising, check, forces the imperial government to lift ban on talos? check, defeats high king in legal duel to prove a political point, check, starts a major rebellion with a shoe string budget? check, wins a successful campaign against the empire? check. Knows when to strike and when not to? check.
It's all in the game, check it out.
Also, the idea that he is hated by half the province is something I haven't actually seen, and even then, that makes him what? loved by the other half? which still puts him head and shoulders above most jarls in Skyrim.
Ulfric is likely the most popular Jarl in Skyrim.