Okay, so I thought this thread would be pretty cool and maybe fun towards others to make. Who do you want to be the High King or Queen of Skyrim?
Skald the Elder - A old man and Jarl of Dawnstar for the Stormcloak. He is a very cranky old man and does not care for the people of Dawnstar.
Brina Merilis - A legionnaire that served in the Great War and Jarl of Dawnstar for the Empire. She seems friendly and appears to care for the people of Dawnstar.
Siddgeir - A lazy boy who is the Jarl of Falkreath for the Empire. He sits on his throne all day and get drunk.
Dengeir of Stuhn - A old man who is paranoid, yet he serves Falkreath as Jarl if Stormcloaks were to win the Civil War. He seems friendly, but he thinks almost everyone is an Imperial spy.
Igmund - He is somewhat experienced in leading a hold and tries his best to stop the Forsworn. He is the Jarl of Markarth for the Empire.
Thongvor Silver-Blood - He is experienced in leading a hold, tries his best to stop the Forsworn, but has a bad temper towards people. He is the Jarl of Markarth for the Stormcloaks.
Idgrod Ravencrone - A old lady who cares for her people, yet has visions that interest her. She is never rude towards people and tries to be polite. She is the Jarl of Morthal for the Empire.
Sorli the Builder - A lady who runs Stonehills for Thane Bryling of Solitude. She seems friendly, but is inexperienced in leading a hold. She is the Jarl of Morthal for the Stormcloaks.
Laila Law-Giver - The Jarl of Riften for the Stormcloaks who is "owned" by Maven Black-Briar. She is oblivious, yet is experienced, friendly, and trustworthy towards everybody.
Maven Black-Briar - The Jarl of Riften for the Empire; she is corrupt and evil. She has ties with the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. She technically controls the city of Riften.
Elisif the Fair - Late High King Torygg's widow, she is the Jarl of Solitude; very inexperienced for her position, she still has a legitimate claim to the throne of High Queen.
Balgruuf the Greater - Whiterun Jarl for the Empire, Balgruuf is trustworthy and has his people in his thoughts. He tries to remain neutral during any type of disaster.
Vignar Gray-Mane - Head of Clan Gray-Mane of Whiterun and Jarl Whiterun for the Stormcloaks, he is part of the Compansions, a great warrior that served in the Imperial Legion during the Great War, yet he is somewhat cranky due to his age.
Ulfric Stormcloak - Leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion and Jarl Windhelm for the Stormcloaks, he is a great warrior, politician, and also has a legitimiate claim on the throne with Elisif.
Brunwulf Free-Winter - Jarl Windhelm for the Empire, he served in the Great War and is classified was a war hero towards the Dunmer people of the Gray Quarter of Windhelm.
Korir - A somewhat inexperienced Winterhold Jarl for the Stormcloaks who does not trust mages. He dislikes all elves, including his steward.
Kraldar- Inexperienced Winterhold Jarl for the Empire, he possesses a friendship with Archmage Savos Aren. He tells everyone that they are just scholars seeking to learn magic and not planning to destroy anything.
=-=-=-=My Answers=-=-=-=
Stormcloak - Vignar Gray-Mane, because he is a great warrior and has been on Nirn longer than Ulfric.
Empire - Idgrod Ravencrone, because she has visions and cares for her people. She would be suited towards the throne, yet she may be threatened by people that does not like her.