A Bear of a Man has crowned himself unofficial High King of Skyrim. This should be interesting.
As for me, as a staunch supporter of Imperial Skyrim, I am quite pleased that Brunwulf and the Empire won this poll. Rejoice my fellow loyalists! Rejoice! Now the true sons and daughters of Skyrim rule this fair country, under the rule of unofficial High King Brunwulf Free-Winter, he shall rebuild Skyrim from the ashes of the devastating Stormcloak Rebellion and usher in a new era of prosperity. The Empire will fall eventually, but when it does, Skyrim will be ready to take it's place as the dominant human power in Tamriel! Happy day! Happy Day!
This has been a victory of rason, restored faith in humanity and all that jazz. I think that the civil war questline will be rendered void by the Empire collapsing in between games, so, Skyrim being independent really is assured, and out of all the Nords that could hold the title of High King, the truest Nord of them all, is Miraak. (hears someone talking from background) What?! Miraak is dead?! Alright, just give it to Brunwulf. Elisif can have the damn title when she has completed her jurney into becoming Queen Potema 2.0 or something. Say, adding that to my list of possible destructive events that could happen to Skyrim. Let the Jarls and politicians rule Skyrim, I'll just be here in Apocrypha, watching and waiting.