"The history of Fallout" Franchise Book on Amazon Pr

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:04 pm

This came up in another thread, but I thought it deserved its own thread as a public service announcement for fans who might be interested in this item.

Amazon.co.uk has a pre-order bundle (for all platforms) that includes:

- Fallout 4 Franchise Book: Hardcover book with 80 pages detailing the history of Fallout over the years
- Fallout 4 Featured Music CD: Featured Music Selections

https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/657221683779121152 implies that this pretty significant sounding, not to mention hardcover book is a pre-order bonus only:

"that's a pre-order book they're doing in some places in Europe"

This sounds like exactly the type of book I wish had been included in the Fallout Anthology.

While the featured music selections CD is also great, I'm still hoping for a full CD soundtrack. Wishing that a soundtrack had been included in Fallout 4's Pip-Boy Edition, as many Collector's Editions do.

This book makes this a must-buy for me.

Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fallout-Artbook-Soundtrack-Amazon-Exclusive/dp/B013B6H7R8

Image: http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/02/aplusautomation/vendorimages/7dfdba61-903f-4787-8d4e-0eb16ea00a73._V313707587__SL1250__.jpg
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:48 am

Yeah, the lore book is the reason I canceled my standard preorder and took this one. I hope it sort of combines art, lore and developers input.

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:43 pm

Already pre-ordered alongside the Pip-Boy Edition. Between this, the CE Strategy Guide and the Art Book, I'll have plenty of Fallout 4 materials to read/browse through for a good while.

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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:22 pm

I may buy this on evay in the future but for now I have sunk far to much money into this. Hell I plan on getting the special edition of the art book when they let me add it lol.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:51 am

Yeah. Not pleased about them making a special edition of the art book. We really don't need 3 editions of the strategy guide and 2 editions of the art book. There's a point where you go from making cool stuff for fans and collectors to making ridiculous amounts of stuff with too many editions and it just feels like a cash grab.

Sure, the slipcase and lithograph is a nice touch, but no one really needs that. The lithograph could have been sold separately for those who like lithographs. Me, I just like artwork, and as much of it as possible. Now, instead of the reasonably priced regular still-nice hardcover art book on Amazon, they have to add 16 more pages so that I have to buy this edition, which is sure to be overpriced. I'm wondering if this edition is going to show up on Amazon or not.

(And I'm still on my rant that video game art books should be designed in landscape format and not portrait format. Movie art books have mostly made the change, now video game art books need to realize this as well. When your media (whether it's a movie or a video game) is a landscape format media, it makes sense that you're going to have the best showcase of the artwork for that media in a landscape format. I won't bore you with all the examples of how portrait art books for landscape media have ruined the presentation of the artwork.)
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