The Hold Out-RP

Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:45 am

Colonel Paul Pavlic-Francois
Sergeant Gregory Anthony-Mere
Private Henry Jones-Officer Norman
GSergeant Demetri Green-Blackmane
Corporal Dominick Carcosa-Movintarget
Lieutenant Sara Carter-Naz
Lieutenant Mordecai Jones-Aussie Made

Flicking my fingers against the metal of the desk I coughed lightly. Wondering at how I'd gotten such a nice group of soldiers in my direct command, blinking a few times I stared at the ceiling. Biting my bottom lip I looked back at the Terminal, moving the selection down to Lieutenant Sara Carter I pressed Enter. A nice list of personal info on her came up, including her love for torturing people and inner hate against most things.

Moving my mouth to the side I went back out of her info and int Mordecai's, wondering what I'd find. My eyes bulged as I realised who I'd stumbled across, one of the best sniper's amongst the Enclave's ranks. He refused to use Power Armor or higher-tech weapons, instead choosing to stay old fashioned. I admired him for that, he had the balls to go against the grain at least; cocky bastard though...

Going back yet again I decided I had time to look at one last profile, flicking up through them randomly I decided on looking at Demetri's. A small smile crept over my lips as I read about his history, which was quite ironic to hear about his Mother's profession. He seemed to be decent with a weapon, as well as being generally a good soldier. That was a little rare amongst soldier's these days, it was all work and no play.

Now it was time, standing up I straightened out my officer's trenchcoat, it was brought into fashion by Autumn... Ah, what a great soldier he was, he was close enough to be my idol; but not quite there. He'd failed in his mission to take out the Lone Wanderer, he was just damn lucky that that fool was merciful to him. My darker side crept up on me, so I quickly took a few breaths and walked out of my office.

I traversed a few of the halls until I came across a meeting room, one of the best here; plush leather chairs and an air-conditioning system. Sitting in the chair at the head of the table I took in a deep breath, then let it out; I turned on a mic next to me:

"This is Colonel Pavlic here, could I please have Private Henry Jones, Gunnery Sergeant Demetri Green, Corporal Dominick Carcosa, Lieutenant Sara Carter and Lieutenant Mordecai Jones at Meeting Room 10a please? Thank you, everyone else; return to your duties, nothing special for any of you today."

Flicking off the switch I sat back in the seat a bit more, I sighed lightly then pulled out some papers out of my trenchcoat. I eyed them then threw them onto the table, they were only reports:


War, war never changes.

Long ago, before the rain of Nuclear Fire rained upon the Wastes, their was a Tactical Army outpost in a secluded in D.C. After the bombs fell, this area was blocked off by debris and went hidden for years upon years... Until the Enclave found out about this area in their Archives, found by one; Paul Pavlic.

As soon as possible, they quickly moved out to the position, digging out the remains and turning it into a base of operations. Unfortunately, this was years after the destruction of the Enclave, but this would be the start for the Enclave's comeback. Or perhaps, it would be the very end of the Enclave and all they stood for.

The year is 2289, Blood Gulch has been up and running for three years and they've come up with many new technologies over this time. In the last three years they've taken over many old military bases and salvaged some very interesting tech. With these advances in almost everything, the Enclave have found ways to even bring people back from death.

Un-surprisingly, the Enclave also managed to get a backup copy of President Eden's Mainframe; which they have directly inserted into Blood Gulch's Server System. If Blood Gulch is destroyed, then their won't be an Enclave anymore, unfortunately... The Brotherhood of Steel have found out about Blood Gulch.

This is it, the final stand...

You are a soldier positioned at Blood Gulch, below this is all you need to know about the new weapons and existing ones. Of course you can expand to other weapons that are realistic... Good luck soldier.

1) No godmodding.
2) I am god.
2a) I am THE god.
2b) Not really, but you gets it.
3) No ubering!
4) Submit all Character Sheets in this Thread...
5) If you want to join, be prepared to put in hard yards.
6) No one liners, or one paragrapher's come to think of it.
7) Have fun, seriously.


Plasma Rifle [Needs reason]:

Energy weapon with decent weight and damage capabilities. Using multiple coolant intakes and heating vents this weapon deals out super-heated projectiles of plasma. These projectiles reach up to 6000 degrees celsius, which obviously can melt through just about anything. Very deadly to anything and everything.

The Plasma Rifle is mainstream among the Elite of the Enclave, such as Tesla Troopers and Hellfire Soldiers. It's a deadly overall weapon, with it's durability and damage high up in the works; it's a very nice weapon. This weapon's only drawback, is the fact that it's clip is generally small and it's projectiles are slower than others.

Laser Rifle:

Energy weapon with good weight and lower damage capabilities. Using prisms and light mechanisms this weapon shoots lasers at the enemy. The beams are deadly and cut with precision, although; multiple armors can stop these deadly rays of light. It'll cut through anything given enough time though, so just keep firing.

The Laser Rifle is mainstream amongst normal Enclave Troops, with almost every Nick and Joe carrying one of these; it's deadly. It has a great durability, it's range is massive compared to other weapons and the beams' speed is revolutionary. The beams will almost always shoot exactly where you aim, which is a godsend.

Turbo-Plasma Rifle [Needs good reason]:

Energy weapon with bad weight and high damage capabilities. Using a massive amount of coolant intakes and multiple heating vents this weapon is capable of taking out nigh-on anything. Weilded by only the Elite of the Elite this weapon is put to use as a deathbringer amongst battles. Has most the same capabilities as a plasma rifle but much more.

The Turbo-Plasma Rifle is one of the rarest Enclave weapons around, only beaten by one other. This weapon is capable of firing Plasma bolts in an automatic fashion, with them being faster at getting to their targets and larger. Some people even speak of people changing the bolts' colours as well.

Railgun [Nope, you aren't getting one, sorry]:

Energy weapon with terrible weight and ultimate damage capabilities. Using secret-tech that the Enclave managed to scavenge in an Underground Lab this weapon has been tested upon for the last 100 years or so. It's mainly a rumor on the side of every squad, a weapon of un-deniable strength and power.

The Railgun is supposedly able to destroy nigh-on anything, some say that the best of the best carry this weapon. Others say it doesn't even exist amongst the Enclave, it is just a story meant to make men fight harder. All that's really known, is that if anyone held this weapon, they would be a god amongst men.

Assault Rifle:

A simple 5.56mm Automatic Rifle, with decent weight and okay damage capabilties it's for the greenest soldiers around. If your weilding this weapon, you either have a bad taste in weapons or aren't trusted to hold a real gun. Amongst the Enclave, holding this is almost a shame, so don't use it unless you have to.

The Assault Rifle is mainly for recruits, used only in training; perhaps used during surprise raids on Enclave outposts. No one would seriously carry this out onto a battle-field.

Sniper Rifle:

A nice 308. caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle, pretty good weight and good damage capabilities. With this weapon, your immediately pushed behind everyone else and directed to get to higher ground. If your holding one of these, you better hope you know how to use it; people's lives are in your hands.

The Sniper Rifle is for Snipers and as a backup weapon for Assault Soldiers. If your using this you HAVE to stay behind as many other people as you can, because you'll be a target with this weapon. Keep your eyes out for enemy snipers, as they might like to take pot-shots at you.

Pulse Rifle [Need a good reason]:

To use this weapon, your going to have to be one of the luckiest people amongst the Enclave. This weapon is the eptimome of Enclave sniper weaponry, being capable of taking out a power armored soldier in one shot it's a beast. It weighs a heavy amount, but it's worth the weight with the punch it packs.

The Pulse Rifle is for the Elite Sniper Corp's amongst the Enclave, you'd have to be lucky to be amongst these groups. If your carrying one of these, you better hope your good at not being noticed; as it's like having a big target hanging around your neck.


Advanced Power Armor Mk. II:

This is the mainstream Power Armor amongst the Enclave, capable of taking most hits and is good to last any soldier his entire time on the battle. It's easy to fix compared to other armors and is easy to mod, it's a nice overall armor to keep any soldier warm and fuzzy inside; away from the bullets.

The APA Mk. II is all black with no extra markings, the helmet seems to almost look like a rabbit. Although, it quite obviously does not at the same time, almost seeming like a devils face. Be wary of someone in this armor, because they won't mess around.

Tesla Armor [Need Reason]:

This is the armor for the next tier up from common footsoldiers, this is for the Elite Squads and soldiers. Such as Tesla Troopers, the men in these suits of death generally carry around better weapons. This armor is harder to mod, but is generally good to help bolster the power of your weapons and can endure a lot of pain.

The Tesla Armor is generally golden in colour, with a darker film almost covering it. Two bulb like devices jut from the shoulders, which generate a film of electricity all over the armor. Any moron who's stupid enough to get too close will get a nasty shock, so, err, stay away from the armor if it's on.

Hellfire Armor [Need a damned good reason]:

Now this armor is for the Elite of the Elite of the Enclave, the Hellfire Soldiers. These men are the next tier above Tesla Troopers, they know how to kill and aren't afraid to do it. This armor is beyond tough, and gives the wearer an increased strength, resistance against flames and a nice breathing apparatus.

The Hellfire Armor is always pure black in colour, with a jutted out briast plate that looks almost threatening. The helmet reminds most of things before the War called 'Pigs', but they scare most people in the Wastes these days. If you see this armor, run away, far away, even if their on your own side.

Advanced Power Armor Mk. III [Need a reason that is so great you'll make me cry]:

To wear this armor shows that you are among the best of the Enclave armed forces, to show that you can do anything and everything. Anyone who sees this armor should run away straight away, without even attempting to see who's side they're on. Shooting anything through this armor is hard, but still possible.

The APA Mk. III is much different from the other armors, with the fact that you can show your rank upon this armor due to colours. There are marks upon the sides of the armor that are imprinted on the shoulders; these are actually small lights. They glow different colours and different amounts of marks depending on your rank.

As well as this, the armor can be painted different colours to suit the wearer's purpose, some General have their's as colours to inspire soldiers. Some have their's as the same colour as the ground, to blend in better to not get shot. While some just have whacked out bright colours to confuse the enemy.

Advanced Power Armor Mk. IIII [Nuh-uh, you are never gonna get this... Ever]:

This armor is only spoken of in stories, to even view this armor would be beyond a miracle. Some people say to others that their was a set of Power Armor made so durable that it could withstand anything... But was made of such rare materials, they wondered if they could even finish one suit, which they may well have done.

The APA Mk. IIII is rumored to be almost every colour in the book, depending on the stories. Some say it can turn invisible, some say it changes colours to suit it's environment and not waste power. Whether it even exists is the biggest question of all, if it did; whoever wore it would be a god on the battlefield.



The first rank in the Enclave, getting above Private is expected so you can actually be something, or anything. You can only be a footsoldier as a Private, unless you are a very special case.


The second rank in the Enclave, at this rank you are given much more oppurtunties to your choices. Not as many as some would like, but at least you get to choose weapons.

Sergeant [Need a meh reason]:

This is where things get better, you can choose squads to join and your profession. Sometimes you might even be lucky enough to lead a squad at this rank!

Gunnery Sergeant [Need reason]:

Ah, now your really getting into the game. This is the minimum rank to become a Hellfire Trooper, so if that was your goal; you just reached it.

Lieutenant [Need good reason]:

You're probably now a respected Veteran when you hit this rank, here you can easily lead a squad or learn all of the Enclave's dirty secrets.

Captain [Give me a great reason]:

Wow, just... Wow, to become a Captain you have to go through hell and back... Then do it again five more times, when you hit here you are beyond amazing.

Colonel [Sorry... But only having one]:

When you hit Colonel you should be happy, because that means you've been recongised as a killing machine. Either that, or your very intelligent, probably both knowing the few who have hit this rank.

General [N-O]:

General's manage things outside the battlefields, generally stay on direct com links to a/the Colonel/s.

Types of Soldiers:


A normal man on the field, if your one of these people I'm sorry to say your pretty much just a pawn. You are the fodder, you get sent in first and try to take down as much of the enemy as you can.

Tank [Need reason]:

A strong man on the field, if your a tank you're pretty safe against most things; as you've been given something others haven't. You've been given a big weapon and experimental drugs to increase your muscle mass and endurance.

Sniper [Need reason]:

Your the stealthy type, you're not going to go to the front lines to die; you'll die next to your sniper in a bedroll some day. Shooting things with pinpoint accuracy is your life, missing is not an option for most targets.

Shock trooper [Need a good reason here]:

Uses heavy armor and heavy weapons, generally can take out most enemies easily and quickly. Shock Troopers stick together and are generally in Elite squads, being one of these men is a mixed curse and blessing.

Elite Soldier [Hmm... Need a reason]:

Mixed soldiers of all types, specialising in one field and being quite all-round in all others. If your among the Elite Soldier's, then your quite obviously Elite; and your probably stuck with a higher up rank bossing you around 24/7.

Good luck soldier... You'll need it.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:25 pm

Henry heard the call when he was on training exercise with his normal unit. He was in the simulator practicing emergency base defense drills that was created to help prevent disasters like Raven Rock or Poseidon Oil rig from happening in Blood Gulch. However the simulation was made to be almost impossible so that they were prepared for an enemy as skilled as the Lone Wanderer, Henry had been killed 5 times already along with them failing to defend the command center and having all the commanding officers die under the weight of 3 mininukes. For some strange reason the simulated Lone Wanderer could carry a massive amount of weapons and an almost unlimited store of ammo. This time Henry was the last man alive guarding the room to the President's room when the Lone Wanderer showed up and starting to bash his head in with a supersledge. Hit after hit battered Henry down and he finally fell down dead. Then the Lone Wanderer said "This is Colonel Pavlic here, could I please have Private Henry Jones, Gunnery Sergeant Demetri Green, Corporal Dominick Carcosa, Lieutenant Sara Carter and Lieutenant Mordecai Jones at Meeting Room 10a please? Thank you, everyone else; return to your duties, nothing special for any of you today." It took a moment to realize that he was being called for over the intercom. He terminated the simulation and started to run to the meeting room.

Other soldiers cast jealous looks at him when they saw that he had been given such an honor as to meet with the commander personally. Henry jogged down the hallways with his full Gear and entered the meeting room. He went in and snapped to attention with the sharpest salute he could muster and said" Sir, Private Jones reporting for duty, Sir!"
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:04 pm

Gregory rapped his knuckles on his desk, thinking heavily about what was going on. The base was heavily protected, but the BOS where strong and capable.

His thoughts where interrupted by a voice over the loud speaker. The colonel's voice boomed through the loudspeaker, calling some soldiers to a meeting. His name wasn't called, and he was thankful of that. Gregory was tired of all the work he had done, writing what seamed like 100's of papers. An assistant began to walk by, only to be stopped by Greg. " Give me a report on the eastern sniper nests. " Yes sir" the assistant replied tiredly.

Greg walked back into his office, sitting down for a second. He than stood up and walked over to his book shelf. He had collected some books throughout his career, and read them often. He kneeled down and began searching for a good book.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:02 am

Smiling as one of the Privates walked in I just replied, "Don't over-do it, your here because you've already impressed me; so keep it that way eh?" I just gave a small smile then coughed, quickly flicking through a few more files, I came across one that truly managed to catch my eye; Sergeant Gregory Anthony. Rubbing my chin for a few seconds I let it stay there, deciding on something to do with him; I couldn't call him to the meeting now could I?

Well, I could, yet... No, I knew what I could do, he may only be a Sergeant; but I knew the perfect thing to use him for. Rapping my knuckles on the metal I looked at the Private again, "Sit down, sit down, no point in standing on ceremony with no one else around is there Private? If you want you can have a look at those files, just some low-down on our current weapons, armor and ranks."

Yawning lightly I leaned back in the chair and continued to wait.


[OOC: Adding a Map to the starting post at the end... Sorry to forget you Mere, but I did it on purpose. ;)]
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:24 pm

The sun drew itself ponderously into view setting the sky alight with the brilliance of napalm, vibrant yellows and reds along with orange and the occasional dash of purple, a wind had kicked up and much of it caught the light making the horizon look quite a bit like rolling flame. The sight would have driven many artists to create something had any artists been there to witness it, such a great display of nature was lost on the tired soldier leaning over one edge of a watchtower.

Dominick's jaw popped with a massive yawn and he looked again into the distance, the sunset was one of the sparse perks about the nighttime watch and had been a major factor for Dominick to take the position from a younger soldier with the offer of a pack of smokes, the man apparently had something important to do as he rushed off. Having stood for his shift and a second one the man was beginning to feel the effects and unfortunate for him due to the well made nature of enclave power armor you could quite literally fall asleep standing up, with a snort of sudden awareness Dominick turned a dial on his helmet and the whir of a music tape starting up rattled next to his skull The Inkspots started up a song next to his head but it only lasted for a small time before Dominick started agreeing with his brain about needing sleep. This was a bad path to go on but nothing was happening and the dull noise of wasteland life soothing gradually the world got darker.

A bright flash of pain woke him, the sharp agony in his ears caused a jolt. The servos of his armor luckily could not follow the wild motion so Dominick stayed standing. Grasping quickly for the control on the side of his helmet Dominick pulled the volume down in time to hear the base commander's instruction not more then five minutes later he saw a man approaching the base of the watchtower, shouldering his laser rifle and pocketing the cigarettes he grasped both sides of the ladder leading up to the tower and slid down with a metal on metal screech, a half inch depression where his feet had hit the ground. The replacement stared for a moment while Dominick made his way to the gate of the wall.

The command building was old, the concrete had been scrubbed and metal cleaned to promote morale but if looking for them signs of that age were everywhere. Dominick walked along one hall mentally counting the numbers on doors, slightly irritated as the aged building was leaking cold air onto his head and making him chilly. looking for the conference area Dominick wondered why he was wanted, it was not like any of the advice he gave was listened to so the obvious answer was that it was a meeting to either discuss punishment or discharge. The thoughts of impending punishment spinning around his head Dominick nearly missed the unassuming door to the conference room. The room was very open with the Colonel and a soldier he did not know in it, Making a fluid salute born of much practice groveling Dominick spoke " Sir, Corporal Carcosa waiting for orders." At the moment Dominick missed his helmet greatly as he was almost sure the nervousness he was feeling showed on his face. “If I may ask Sir what is this meeting to be discussing?”
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:32 am

As another man walked in I remembered a few things about him from his file, as he saluted, or attempted to I half-saluted back. I looked back down, but he continued and said, "If I may ask sir, what is this meeting to be discussing?" All I could do was scratch my chin, which felt slightly prickly since I hadn't shaved in a while. I motioned for him to walk in, which he slightly did; not moving that much in.

Coughing lightly I said, "Well, I'll explain more when the others get here, but all in all; you men are some of the best in the base. Sure, there ARE other men and women out there that can do their jobs better than you, but I've chosen you lot because their's some potential in each of you. For example, this lad here," motioning to the Private, "is only a Private. All in all, you are going to learn some very interesting things that we haven't told the others... We have our reasons, please don't question them."

Sitting back I wondered whether I'd get a look at any of the soldier's faces, I realised I'd get a look at Sara's; as she was a scientist. Mordecai would only be wearing his out-dated armor, that would be fine with me; it's not like I really cared. Stretching a little I quickly said, "Oh, by the way, their's some files on the table... Browse through them at your leisure, it's got some pretty interesting stuff in there... Oh and find your card, it'll have your name and rank on it; it should let you acess all parts of the Command Post and the Underground Section's of the base."

Closing my eyes I wondered if they'd be amazed at this, the only thing was... What would they think when they found out WHY they'd been called here?
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:32 am

Dominick breathed a sigh of relief at not being the focus of the meeting and moved into the room further looking for his card. Seeing that the commander had dropped back into what looked to be a leisurely pose Dominick decided to observe him. this man was nothing like the kitchen whisperings that spoke of demonic combat capability and iron handed leadership, he was much more human. Finding his card Dominick discovered himself to be sitting across the table from the private, glancing down at the folders Dominick flipped through the first one that caught his eye, that being a sheet of paper with the words "Electro-Magnetic Rail Rifle" on the top. This shocked him, Dominick was generally given the job of repairing badly damaged weapons so he had seen most of the arsenal the enclave had to offer. The others in the mess hall had always talked about some hidden weapon that could punch a hole through entire buildings and keep going ,Dominick had scoffed at them, to see the weapon in all but the flesh took the floor out from under him.

Dominick hoped the meeting did not start for a while as the information on these sheets of paper were troves of knowledge for someone as low on the enclave totem pole as himself. The way that the Colonel had spoken hit him though and Dominick wondered why a commander had asked a subordinate not to question him. The phrasing was odd and continued to circulate around his mind as he read the classified information on the table and his paranoia about the situation grew, Dominick had learned long ago not to trust unbelievable situations and this was surely one of those.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:47 am

Sara stood in the small room, fresh blood on her lab coat, and a smile on her face. This was her favourite part of working for the Enclave. The endless supplies of Wastelanders to torture. Just like the one who was seated in the chair before her. This on, fortunately had more stamina than most; she had already been at him for two days. Sara took a moment to look him over and admire her work. The Wastelander, Bob he had told her, was strapped into the chair. Seven of his fingers were missing and were laying on the floor. His torso was marked by numerous cuts, and Sara had cut out his tongue for calling her a [censored]. Part of the top of Bob's head had been cut away and a section of the skull had been removed to expose the brain. Sara removed a scalpel form her pocket and walked towards Bob.

Sara frowned when she realized that his eyes were closed and he had passed out. Picking up one of the syringes from the surgical cart, she walked over and injected the drug directly into his brain. The moment Sara injected him with the drug. Bob's eyes shot open and he began to scream. Sara moved around in front of him and started to stroke his cheek. Bob stopped screaming and started to cry. Sara sat on his lap and put one arm around his neck.

"I'm guessing you don't want to play with me anymore." Sara had a puppy dog look on her face and Bob was shaking his head. Sara frowned. "Well you have been a very good playmate so far. But I'm not quite done with you yet." Sara started to smile again and Bob began to squirm and convulse, trying to shake Sara off of him. Sara noticed that his eyes were closed. "Oh Bob, "Sara giggled. "You shouldn't close your eyes. You really want to see this part."

Sara leaned in and brought the scalpel up to his eye. She reached in with her other hand and pinched Bob's eyelid between her fingers. Using the scalpel she proceeded to cut off his eyelids and threw them to the floor. Sara removed a bloodstained cloth form her other pocket and wiped away the blood from his face.
She leaned back and stared into his eyes.

"You know Bob, you have beautiful eyes. I think I'll take the right one." Sara straddled Bob in the chair and brought the scalpel up again. Bob Started to scream again and convulsed even harder than before. Sara started to grind into him and moved the scalpel closer to his eye. She was enjoying every ounce of that Bob was providing her with. She continued to move the scalpel closer to his eye and started to grind into him harder. The screaming and Sara's pleasure were interrupted by the sound of the intercom in the interrogation room.

"This is Colonel Pavlic here, could I please have Private Henry Jones, Gunnery Sergeant Demetri Green, Corporal Dominick Carcosa, Lieutenant Sara Carter and Lieutenant Mordecai Jones at Meeting Room 10a please? Thank you, everyone else; return to your duties, nothing special for any of you today."

Sara slumped in the chair at the announcement and put the scalpel away. Right at this moment she was less than happy, although she had to smile because of one of the other names that had been called. Not just because her ecstasy and playtime had been interrupted, but also because it probably meant her other project would be interrupted. Still, if she really didn't want to do this job, she could always go talk to General Winter. Sara got up from the chair and looked at Bob.

"Now you just stay put, I'll be back in a bit." Sara was smiling at Bob and she walked out the door.

Sraa made her way down the long corridors to the entrance to the underground area. There were people in the corridors, all of whom steered clear of her. Everyone who had access to the underground, knew who Sara was and what her job was. None of them wanted to end up in a room with her.

Sara exited the underground and made her way directly to the command post. She didn't even take the time to change and didn't care that she had blood on her clothes and hands. Sara had a smile on her face as she walked through the courtyard. She noticed the looks of trepidation on the faces of some of the others as she passed by them. Entering the command post she made her way to the meeting room.

Sara entered the room and saw the three soldiers who had already arrived, and the colonel who was seted at the table. Even though Sara was a lieutenant, she was a scientist first. As such, she would often ignore military protocol; especially if it was someone she knew. Sara walked up to the colonel and smiled.

"Good to see you again Colonel." Frankly she didn't care to see him right now. Sara had other matters to attend to. "May I ask what this is regarding," Sara paused and lowered her voice. "And if I may also inquire, why was I called into a meeting with him." The word "him" came with a hiss at the end. This was not someone she wanted to meet.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:41 am

Henry sat down and enjoyed the little speech the colonel gave to Dominic and was very interested to see what he was reading, "Hey that's classified stuff there!" He made as if to report him, then he suddenly said "I'd like to see that too," so he leaned over Domincic's shoulder and was amazed at what the documents revealed. They would probably never get to use one of those weapons but he sure wished he did. "I would love to be able to use that thing against some Brotherhood knights," He looked at the commander and said "Sir? What exactly is the nature of this task force that you're assembling?" Henry was delighted at the opportunity to get his hands on some new toys and a chance to rise up in the ranks.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:59 am

Mixing my look between Henry and Sara I coughed lightly then scratched my chin. I said to Henry, "Well, I'll explain when everyone gets here, hmm? Patience is a good virtue, show that you have it please." Turning my sight to Sara I just gave a small smile and said, "Well, he's in here for a very good reason... We're all here for a good reason, which I will explain in time; sorry that this is a bad coincedence though."

Sighing lightly I continued, "Yeah, nice to see your attitued hasn't changed since the Mark Three project though, it fits you well. That isn't sarcasm by the way either, it fits your line of work perfectly; so don't bloody change. Now, care to tell me how things are going in the Science Labs recently? Any experiments worth talking about? Oh, and by the way..."

Dropping my voice to a whisper I said, "Their's a project I wouldn't mind you working on for me, if you did... Well... I'd see fit to promote you, if that's what you really wish?" Leaning back I yawned lightly and said out loud, "I hope the others get here soon, I'm getting tired of waiting for them... Time ticks by, by and by..."

Trailing off I stared off at the wall, waiting to hear what Sara would say; hoping she'd accept my offer. I'd be happy to promote her if she did what I wanted her to do...
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loste juliana
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:04 am

Demetri had been laying on his bunks in the barracks, resting whilst off duty listening to a machine about the same size as a radio but just played music. Demetri had found it at the back of a storage room, though broken and had to give up his alcohol rations for the month to get parts from the tech guys to repair it. Soon over the speakers Demetri heard, "This is Colonel Pavlic here, could I please have Private Henry Jones, Gunnery Sergeant Demetri Green, Corporal Dominick Carcosa, Lieutenant Sara Carter and Lieutenant Mordecai Jones at Meeting Room 10a please? Thank you, everyone else; return to your duties, nothing special for any of you today."

Demetri sighed after hearing it, he had only just got off duty, and it was the only rest he had got in a number of hours. Demetri got himself up and made his way to wards the meeting room. He did not see the need at the moment to get into his power armour and just went in his standard uniform. Demetri went into the room and upon seeing the Colonel he gave a crisp salute and moved off near a wall standing.

Demetri looked at the women in the room with disgust, blood covered her, he assumed the was Lieutenant Carter, rumours had been heard among most of the soldiers stationed here, but nothing had truely been seen. Demetri took his sights off the officer and scanned the room, Demetri counted the heads and it seemed one had still to run up yet, meaning he wasn't the last to turn up.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:38 am

Sara became momentarily distracted from the colonel by the entrance of Demetri. She looked over at him and smiled innocently, batting her eyelashes. Although Sara had never met him before, she instantly knew who he was. She had seen his features before on another man, one she knew intimately. Thoughts of past pleasures entered her mind and she turned back to the colonel and snapped to attention.

"Sir, I would be honoured and accept graciously." Sara paused for a moment and a slightly embarrassed look appeared on her face.

"Permission to finish up what I was working on and to change into something a little more appropriate." Sara smiled again.

"And if you please, I would like to stop at my lab. I have a file on some experiments I've been running, and I think you might be interested."

Sara hoped that he would be. She had been conducting experiments with drugs and gene therapy. She had gone as far as she could with her research and needed permission to test her research in the field. Perhaps this mission would be a good trial.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:07 am

My gaze alternated between Sara and Demetri, a small smile crept upon my lips as I realised what it was. Coughing lightly to myself I slammed my chest a few times, then blinked and looked out upon the others. After a few moments I saw Mordecai walk through the door; it seemed like he'd been on Patrol out in the Nests. He saluted, mumbled something and sat down near the end of the table.

Rapping my knuckles upon the metal I said out loud enough for everyone to hear, "Okay, sit down if you would... We're starting okay; hurry up." I glared as everyone made their way to a seat, Sara did it grudgingly; obviously wanting to be somewhere else. Clearing my throat I quickly looked at each of them then started talking:

"Okay, I'm sure some of you are wondering why the hell you are here; right? Well, here's the reason... It turns out by blood, each person in this room is different... How? I don't know. Why? I don't know. All I really know, is that General Winter and President Eden believe us to be important somehow. From what I've been told, I'm not allowed to tell you everything as to why you're here...

As well as that, it seems that everyone here is suffering from a sort of disease... Don't ask what it is, because I can't even remember half of the stuff that they said to me. All I can really bank on is that it's going to affect us in a good and bad way... One person in this base has already had the disease for a decent amount of time, I've seen him myself and I can tell you... I'm frightened."

Crossing my arms I took a quick breath, "Their's a new technology that is being worked upon to help those with this problem... I don't know what this is, but it seems that CAPTAIN Carter here knows what it is. Of course, it is confidentail information and as such; she cannot release what the project is... Unfortunately, I don't even know what the project is, and CAPTAIN Carter probably doesn't realise the extremity of the project she's working on."

Taking a few breaths I let my mind wander to the creature that used to be human... Cringing at the thought I quickly added, "Any questions? Yes? No? Ask them now, your free to go now... Go back to your posts, relaxing; whatever you were doing. If you need to know anything your free to ask, you all also will get complete free access to the Underground Area's and the Command Post. Don't do anything stupid and... Well... Good luck to you all, time will tell how this will turn out."

Waving my hand I slumped onto the desk and hit my head against the metal a few times; I hadn't slept in two days because of this. It felt good to let them know, but god it was beyond devestating to tell them that... Well, I hadn't told them exactly what would happen yet...
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:33 am

I supressed a cough as the wind picked up the dust. I focused on the kill, watching it as it went about it's daily routine, it was a good 20 metres away. I laid there and began to breath slowly, the crosshair of my rifle hovered over the deathclaw's head. Suddenly my radio went off.

"Jones! You're being recalled and reassigned, report back to base and report to Colonel Pavlic immediately!"

I scrambled to turn it off, but it was already too late. The deathclaw whipped its head around and began to charge at me. I jumped to my feet and aimed down the sight. I breathed out as I shot, the bullet struck the beast in the jaw, completely tearing it to shreads. It fell to the ground in tremendous pain, I was disappointed with my lack of discipline, it should have been one shot, one kill. I walked over to the beast and pulled out my revolver, I unloaded three shots into it's head.

"I'm heading back now." I said as I radioed back to base.

I trudged back to base and made my way to meeting room '10a'. I stood outside the door, reloaded my rifle, then slung it over my shoulder. I sighed, opened the door and walked in. It looked like everyone had already arrived and I watched as they pvssyd away. I saluted towards the Colonel and sat down, just watching as everyone went about their daily routine. The Colonel then went on a rant about some sort of disease that we all had, it didn't really phase me, I was strong enough to take on anything.

The Colonel then said we could leave if we had no further questions. I did just that and left to get back to my 'post'.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:02 am

Henry listened to what the colonel said and was not sure what to make of it. The disease that the colonel talked about was even more trivial. He turned to Dominick and said "This sure is strange, why call us if they're not going to tell us more?" Henry then saluted and proceeded to go out the room. On his way out he passed by Lieutenant Carter, the evil witch, as some of the men called her. He remembered that it was Captain Carter now, he had almost laughed at the Colonel's terrible attempt at trying to be subtle with the promotion. Henry noticed that it was already past his patrol shift so he decided to take a look at the new areas he had gotten access to and maybe talk with the others about this.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:36 am

Demetri settled down and listened to the Colonel's speech, gaining the infomation of the disease which added to their predicament which they were already in. Demetri had wanted to ask what they were to do about, but all that was said was that Lieutenant Carter, now captian it seems, was that she would do research into it. Demetri sighed as they were all dismissed, seem any more on the subject would have to wait until the future.

Demetri left the meeting room and made his way back outside. A cold wind blew, the sun having not fully risen, yet to shine on the wasteland and bring it's overbearing heat down upon the people of the wastes. Demetri made his way over to a training area and watched to early risers sparring with each other. Demetri watched as the two men fought each other, going for a good few minutes before one of them manged to get his fist to connect with the jaw of his oppenent and floored him.

A number of spectators rushed over to the man which had just been knocked out. The man was picked up and taken to a physician to look at him, making sure that his jaw was okay, the person who floored him following holding his hand, having broken his hands. Demetri shook his head and had a small smirk at their attempts to train themselves, it's not the best thing to wound yourself in training.

Demetri moved along back to the barracks, seems the rest break he was getting was almost over and hadn't been that long. Demetri made his way to the armoury in the barracks where the soldiers stored their equipment when they were off duty. Going in Demetri opened his crate and pulled out the parts of his power armour, the strong hellfire armour, worn by the hellfire troopers of the enclave, which Demetri was part of. Demetri started to the put the armour on, started with the legs, and moving up. After ten minutes of getting his armour on. Demetri picked up his weapon, the heavy incinerater, the trademark weapon of the Hellfire, and used the latches on the weapon to attach it to the back of his armour. Demetri placed his helmet under his arms and moved outside, time for his guard duty.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:58 am

Dominck had just finished the readouts on the Rail Gun when the Colonel had started his speech and nearly choked when the news of a common infection was given, even without other information the idea that he was infected with something that had caused a hardened commander to wince visibly was very bad. Dominick had left the room after the door cleared with a swift salute to the colonel worried that he might say something regrettable in the current state of mind.
The nagging questions swirled around Dominick's head as he slowly walked, calm as possible, to his storage locker in the armory. Dominick was off duty and the armor was starting to itch, doing his best to avoid stepping on anyone Dominick's mind wandered. The crush of men and women in the base always managed to surprise him, the number stationed was at least four times the number he had seen in his last assigned base and that was a full duty trade route fort in super mutant country. This base truly was a valuable target and he had barely heard of the place before the mass transfer order came and deposited him there a few months prior.
The train of thought was interrupted by Dominick bumping into a very heavy surface. Looking in front of himself Dominick found that he had slammed into a Hellfire trooper just as he was exiting the barracks.
"I'm very sorry Sir." Dominick spoke in a surprised tone having not expected to slam into an elite soldier today.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:51 pm

After getting lost in the command center a number of times Henry had finally gotten outside to take in some fresh air and decided to report back to his post early after a quick meal in the mess hall. On his way he wondered what the disease could be. It certainly didn't seem very dangerous if no one was feeling any ill effects. Then he got scared at the thought that command could be experimenting on them! "I am not going to be some bulked up freak like Frank Horrigan" He said to himself. Suddenly, he didn't feel quite so hungry.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:01 pm

I left the meeting un-phased by the Colonel's speech. As I took a step outside, I felt the cool breeze roll pass, I embraced it, closing my eyes and breathing in deeply. It was early morning and I suspected that most troops would be resting in the barracks or on their way. Not me, I was going to watch the sun rise from my sniper nest. I walked past the lab and looked in, that place always creeped me out, there were rumors about the things that went on in there but I just shook my head and continued out the gate.

I went left of the gate, past the heavy turret placements and on to the nests. As usual they were empty, well mine was anyway. I sat down un-slung my rifle and placed it in position, I then took a swig of water from my canteen and sat back. I watched as the sky turned orange before taking a quick power nap.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:51 am

Sara stayed seated and waited for the others to leave the room. Once they had, the smile disappeared from her face. Sara stared at the colonel with eyes that denoted an insane rage and hatred. That the Enclave knew she had a disease and didn't tell her was one thing, but for them to tell her in this manner was an insult. There was also the project she was working on. Sara had no idea that she was making something that would cure a disease. If there was an epidemic in Blood Gulch, she should have been called in to assist with a cure, not spend her time tinkering with gadgets. At this moment she wanted to scream at the colonel.

"Permission to speak freely sir." The words came with a hiss. The colonel nodded his head at her and she immediately jumped to her feet and raised her voice.

"With all due respect sir. What the [censored] do you mean I have a disease?!?!? And if that is the case why am I not working on a cure instead of this prototype? This truly makes no sense!!" Claire exhaled and didn't make eye contact with the colonel. She knew she may have gone to far, but right now, she didn't care. Sara took a moment to catch her breath and calm down a little before continuing.

"Sir?I would like to be given all research materials and data on this disease." And that's when it hit her. Sara felt incredibly stupid right now, and that was a rare thing indeed. This was the Enclave. There could only be one reason that she would be told in this manner, especially after having just been offered a promotion.

"Colonel," a sly look appeared on Sara's face and she smiled. "What do you want?"
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:05 am

With a small wink at her I pressed a button next to the terminal, I heard a small grating as bars were placed over the door and walls moved in between the already thick metal walls. The room was completely cut off from any other's now... With a smile I started by saying, "Well, Captain, I think you've already figured out at least some of what I want... But not the whole, perhaps you have, perhaps your more intelligent than I think."

Raising my hands I took a breath and continued, "Well, I'm also quite pissed at the idea of being a guinea pig in this affair... As such, I'm willing to make you an offer, although; this is completely off record. This conversation never happened if you refuse, and if you dare mention it to General Winter you will lose everything. Including your life. Got it?

Alright, I need your help, as you are the most intelligent scientist and doctor in the whole of Blood Gulch. As such, it's quite obvious that I'd turn to you for this type of help... You see, I have every single piece of information on this disease, all I can gather from it is that we will change over time... Unfortunately, it seems that this disease will only affect a few select people, which is all the people that were in this room and one other...

The one other person was infected a little longer ago than us, and thus I couldn't tell him because if I do he'll turn faster. Anyway, in turn, I want you to research the files and find out about this disease, I can be your test subject if need be... In all, I want to go against what the Enclave want, and find out what the [censored] is affecting me so I can decide what to do. So, Captain Carter, what's your view on all this?"

Taking a quick breath I leant back in the chair and pressed my fingers against each other, thinking about what I'd just said. If Sara accepted... I'd be going against the Enclave... A price that needed to be paid, no one should have what this disease offered... Not even the Enclave with all that they could do.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:07 am

Demetri stepped out of the barracks to be greeted by a something going into him, the Hellfire armour easily taking it and Demetri stood still, barely phased by it. Demetri saw that it had been Corporal Carcosa had just walked into him. The corporal aplogised for his action. Demetri just shook his, "Don't worry," Demetri told him and a smile creapt onto his face, "I'll assume you're tired, best get your rest, you're going to need it."

Demetri stepped out and allowed Dominck to pass, and walked off to the guard post, getting a barricade just outside the gate. Demetri signaled to a soldier who was next to the gate controls to open gate. With a spark coming from the pylon generators that make the walls sparked as the gate was opened. Demetri stepped out, only the view of the wastes to greet him. Darius went to the barricade he was stationed at and nodded a greeting to the soldier that was who picked up his weapon and left.

A Hellfire rarely got guard duty, but with the war and every man needing to do their part, they now had to do so. Demetri leaned against the barricade, settling in for the duty, he hoped that it would be a quiet one.
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:41 am

Dominick breathed a sigh of relief when the man passed not having recognized the mans face in the few seconds it took to make his snap judgment Sargent Dimitri's suggestion did sound like a good idea but Dominick knew that with the thoughts rattling around in his head he would get no sleep. feeling a slight push through his armor Dominick turned to find that he was holding up traffic, moving into the barracks he swiftly stowed his armor and changed into a set of enclave issue clothing looking at his laser rifle for a moment he slung the weapon over his back, figuring that at the very least his sleep deprivation could be used for something.
Grabbing the plasma pistol set on a table by his bunk with a small note on top with the words "Fix it" Dominick made a path for the science lab.

Tinkering with the plasma pistol trying to correct the errors caused by sand build up, Dominick did the best he could to ignore the bustle of the science lab having picked a small corner of the room to work in. Rotating his shoulders he felt a joint pop and mentally noted that he seriously needed to get out of the power armor more often. Finishing with the plasma pistol Dominick picked his laser rifle up from off the floor and started taking the casing off of the weapon. Suddenly a shadow swallowed up the work area and Dominick cursed under his breath. Looking up swiftly the man in front of him turned out to be the officer who had given him the plasma pistol.
"What was that?" the man asked rhetorically "Nothing at all." Dominick winced at his misstep "Sir."
The man's glare told him that the failure in speech was noted "You done yet?" the officer asked bluntly.
"Uh, yes I just finished with it there was sand build up in th-" "I'll put it to good use" the officer replied, cutting off Dominick and grabbing the pistol from the table striding off into the stream of people visible outside
Dominick leveled a searing glare at the mans receding back "Hope the damned thing explodes on you" Dominick muttered to himself.

The Lab continued to move as enclave scientists of many ages moved about and ignored him. While not technically allowed in the science lab due to him being a grunt, he was given an exception due to his ability with technology along with his skill at blending into the background, which was quite impressive for someone with a massive scar on their face. Dominick was not officially a scientist nor given the proper clearance to be in the lab so it only took one superior having a bad day or one star student with an easily bruised ego to remove him so he tried to not talk to people in the lab. Resuming the maintenance work on the laser rifle Dominick did his best to think about something else then the disease festering within him and hoped that nothing else went wrong today.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:11 pm

Sara giggled lightly at the appeals to her vanity. Appeals that were lost on her. She listened intently to everything that the colonel had said and the cute smile returned to her face. The thoughts started to creep into Sara's head. The colonel wanted her to help him go against the Enclave. Normally she would have killed the colonel where he sat, regardless the risk. Instead a plan was forming in her head. If indeed the colonel was going to take on the Enclave, then he must have a plan. He wasn't a stupid man after all, which was a rare thing in Blood Gulch.

"Okay colonel, I'm in. But as this sounds like a negotiation, I have a couple of things I would like as well." Claire sat back down and leaned forward in her chair . "First I would like my promotion to be effective immediately. After all, what's a colonel without a good captain by his side. Second, I would like permission to begin field testing of my drug and gene therapy. I think one of the privates that was here will do fine. And thirdly," Sra paused and her appeared to be pouting like a girl. "I need a new toy. But I promise I won't break this one." Her tone was almost pleading. Like a child making a promise that they meant to keep. "In fact I have a new game I would like to play. And I would really like for gunnery sergeant Green to play it with me." Sara straightened back up in the chair and her look became more professional and she waited for the answer. She knew she was asking a lot, but so was the colonel, and he would do well not to underestimate her.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:39 am

My eyes iced over, Sara had asked some very, very, high demands. Scratching my chin I realised I needed her to do this for me... Jesus, this was beyond hard to decide, but I knew I only had one thing to do... Sighing lightly I stood up and turned around, crossing my arms behind my back I stared at the wall for a few seconds. Taking a quick breath I sighed again and turned to look at Sara, a bloody Sara at that.

Scratching my chin yet again, I said to her, "Well... [censored], you've left me in a very delicate situation Sara... Fine, you will be promoted to Captain as soon as I tell General Winter I'm backing up your promotion... You can choose any human's for testing upon for your testings, just pass it through head-office and you'll get through with it. Now, onto Demetri...

Well, Demetri is needed as you must understand... Everyone with the disease must survive, for reasons you shall find out... So, whatever you do, he cannot be terminated, you hear me Sara? You better, return to your office when your freshened up... I'll send you all the info on the disease, as well as your actual promotion orders and everything that comes with becoming a Captain. You've asked a lot, you've got it, don't screw up."

Tapping my fingers upon the top of the terminal I nodded at her, then pressed the button next to the device. I heard the whirring of metal moving, walking quickly past her I quietly said, "You better hope your not planning on betraying me Sara... You think you know everything... Let me tell you, you don't..." With a small smile I chuckled to myself and moved to the door, opening it I walked out of the Meeting Room.

Having a quick stretch I walked through the halls and towards my office, within a minute or two I was once again standing in my own slice of heaven. Wiping my hand over my face I walked towards my Terminal, within a few seconds I'd sent all the info to Sara; and the Captain's Promotion Files. Sitting back in the chair I stared off into the distance, then brought up a new screen on the Terminal.

Typing quickly I began to write, what it was, I didn't know... All I knew was that I'd be locking it up as much as I could.
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