» Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:03 am
I agree with Dragatus.
For skills, if you pick four majors that you're going to use, and three skills you're not, you should cap somewhere around level 27 (I think). Personally, I prefer to cap it a bit lower, but I miss out on a couple of things that don't appear in levelled lists to level 26, so you might not want to.
Therefore, a build I'd suggest is:
Race: As Dragatus said, any. But Redguard/Nord/Orc is the most powerful at the beginning, and Breton's are the most powerful in the endgame (when starting attributes make no difference) due to the magic resistance.
Birthsign: The Warrior for a quicker start. But The Atronach is good if you're not planning on using magic too much (or if you are, you need alchemy), as it absorbs 50% of the spells cast at you.
Attributes: Endurance + Strength/Luck/(possibly)Agility.
Heavy/Light armour (pick one)
Blade/Blunt (again, pick one)
Armourer (for repairing your weapons in the field)
Those I feel are musts. If you want another skill, block or Marksman are good ideas. Then if you wish to cap your level, simply pick skills you won't use like speechcraft etc.