My subject!

Maybe it's because I'm Finnish that I don't have that much trouble with names like Addadshashanammu.

I'd pronounce it almost exactly as it is written. If I'd transcribe my pronunciation, it would be sorta like: ['adat?asa,nam:u]. (Not sure if you can read those. Own mark for about every speech sound there is, and apostrophe marks mains stress, period secondary stress, and colon marks a prolonged sound. There are other diacritics but I'm no using them so that this won't become ridiculous).
Skip this post if this seems too out of this world.

The problem is whether to take the Finnish or English approach to those pronunciations. Most names I'd tend to utter in "English way" because there are examples of them in the internet (Let's Plays for instance) and it usually feels more natural anyway. Possibly because English has to have effect on the names since developers are English-speakers. Some words, like Telvanni ['telvan:i], can be very "Finnish-like", though, so my native pronunciation kicks in. The main differences are qualities and quantities of certain sounds and whether to always put the stress on first syllable or not.

Depends mostly on who I'm talking with, of course.
Something that'd be easier "in English":
Gnisis - NIGH-sis ['na?s:?s]
Pelagiad: Pe(h)-LA(H)-gi-ad [pe'l?d?i,?d] (or [pel?'d????d])
Seyda Neen: SAY-da (K)NEEN ('se?d? 'ni:n)
Caius Cosades: CAI-us co-SAYDS ['k?ai?s k?o'se?ds]
Some I'd say "in Finnish" (transcribed only with IPA):
Ald'rhun: ['ald 'ru:n] (the [r] being the tremulant as in in perkele

Suran: ['suran] (or in English: [su'??:n]
Urshilaku: ['ur?i,laku]
Ahemmusa: ['ahem,:usa]
Zainab: ['tsainab]
Erabenimsun: ['erabe,nimsun] (or in English: [?,??be'n?ms?n]
Hlaalu: ['la:lu]
Indoril: ['indoril] (or in English: [?n'do???])
Something in between to completely [censored] things up:
Fang of Haynekhtnamet: Fang of HI-ne(ck)t-NAH-met ['f?? '?f 'hainek?t,na:met] (or HAY instead of HI to make it more like English, whichever is fine by me. [k?] means that you form the [k] in your mouth but just don't release it; just like might be the case in word