The Huge Thread Of Wants & Wishes

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:04 pm

I already made a post about overhauling the magic system, and I was in the middle of working on a post about the combat system when I had an idea for class-specific gameplay and then I realized that I should just combine everything to avoid having 5 different posts on this page.

So, I'll try to separate this stuff and make it as easy to understand as I can. First up:


Much like the magic system, the combat system needs a massive overhaul. Standing in front of your opponent and swinging your sword in the same movement over and over until your opponent is dead is ridiculous. It's like playing a game on Super Nintendo. Where are the counters, combos, and free-flow combat? This game should implement a similar combat system to that of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Batman: Arkham Asylum. If I'm playing as a barbarian I should be able to block my opponents thrust or slash, swing back, then dodge the next attack, spin around and slam my axe through his helmet or his shoulder and it should look like the axe goes into him and your guy should have to pull at it to get it out, because you know, that would happen in real combat. There should be a ton of different kill animations based on your class and choice of weapon.

Assassins and thieves should fight like assassins and thieves, being able to dual wield daggers or a have a dagger and a shortsword and use speed, athleticism, stealth, and poisons. They should be able to sneak up behind a guard and break their neck, or slice their throat, or dig their dagger into their spinal cord. An assassin should not have the same combat stance as a barbarian. Their movements should be fluid and dance-like, with quick stabs, counters, and dodges. My assassins should be able to fluidly roll, strafe, or flip out of the way of or around an attack.

On the other hand my barbarian should be able to charge into a group of 3 or 4 enemies, shoulder tackle one of them and immediately go into a rage sending people flying all over the place with his hammer or axe or sword or whatever he's using.

Also, they need to make being a martial artist fun. If I choose to play as a Monk. I need a little bit more than right jabs and a defensive boxing pose. Where are the dazzling acrobatics that a martial artist would use? How about going into a flurry with punches, kicks, and throws like someone fighting with no weapon would use? If I engage an enemy who has a sword, I should be able to dodge his attacks or catch his arms as he's swinging and knock the weapon from his hands before flipping him onto the ground and delivering a killing punch to his throat.


Why is my mage moving the same way that my knight is in combat? Is a knight not highly trained in weapons combat and very fluid with using a sword and different defensive and offensive postures? Should a mage not look COMPLETELY different while in combat? Why am I able to pull out a bastard sword and start swinging it pull out a bow and arrows and start shooting them with my mage? Why am I able to heal myself magically if I'm a thief? I want my characters to FEEL different. There's no diversity in previous ES games because everyone can basically do the same things. It's one of the things WoW gets right, every class feels different and their abilities play into what kind of character you're choosing.

Assassins and thieves should have the ability to use cover or scale buildings, just like in Assassin's Creed, and a mage or warrior should obviously NOT have this ability. A mage should be able to start combat by slowing or holding an enemy in place before launching a barrage of magic at them, much like in WoW, a rogue should obviously not have these things. A knight or barbarian should have the ability to engage multiple enemies at once with the ability to free-flow between enemies, while an assassin should not be skilled enough to take on 4-5 enemies at once without a great degree of difficulty because that's not how they're trained. Maybe they could sneak up behind some guards and knock one of them out for a couple seconds while they fight with the other two and finish them off just as he's coming to. I just want the ability to STRATEGIZE before I go into something.


We need a TON more choices this time around. We need an assortment of leather armor, an assortment of plate armor and chainmail armor, an assortment of wizard's robes and hoods etc. I should be able to design my hunter to look like an actual hunter in a fantasy setting should look. He should be wearing a wolf head hood or a big fur vest or coat and his boots should be made out of leather with the tops lines with fur with different pouches and bags hanging from my waist.

I would like the visibility of pouches, bags, purses, and maybe a backpack. We're running around in the wild killing and looting things and I have no idea where I'm putting it. Weapons and stuff I can deal with not seeing 10 swards strapped to my back that is obvious, but there should be visible pouches and bags so you look like you could put things somewhere.

Things like necklaces and rings are visible, but what about magical bracelets or earrings or belts? That'd be a cool feature to add I think. You should have slots where you can place these things.

I would like a lot more detail in the clothing. A good example is Ezio from Assassin's Creed. His outfit is highly detailed. You can see pouches, sheathes, belts and an assortment of leather straps across his chest to place items. I'd like to see a lot more helmets and spaulders, and would love to see them add capes, which I know a lot of people have said.


Also need a ton more options to choose from. a lot of different daggers, swords, axes, hammers, bows, and add things like scimitars, rapiers, crossbows, morning stars, wands, and throwing daggers. Wands should be available for mages who deplete magicka, and crossbows should be available a sort of "side-arm" weapon that is seperate from your main-hand and secondary-hand. Make it have a long reload time so that you had to choose wisely when to use it.

Also I think it's time the option to dual wield be given to us don't you think? Classes like assassins, thieves, and warriors should have had this ability a long time ago.

That's all I can think of right now, but this thread is for everyone. So let me know what you think and throw in some ideas of your own.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 am
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

I'd like better looking and moving character models, lots of beards for my nord viking warriors, oh and mor redheads wouldnt hurt :)
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 am

Sorry, but we are still putting our suggestions and wants and wishes in until it's filled up at which point we will make another one. :)
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