The Hunted
Hircine seeks a champion... Mortals shall be tested with mighty, horrible beasts. His hunt shall run red with blood. He seeks not only to torment mortals, but a champion worthy of his might.
This RP will be based in Hircine's realm, where your character will be hunted through vast rooms of wilderness, seeking to become his champion.
Many seek great wealth in the beginning days of the 4th Era. Hircine, like many Daedric Lords, Hircine seeks to test mortals, and elect a great one as his champion. Many portals to his realm have opened into the vast wilderness of Tamriel. They are everywhere. Many adventurers, scholars, and other peoples have begun testing the jaws of death openly, but only few will survive. Once you have entered, it seems you may never go back, unless you find a special way out. Most of the storyline is hidden, and will be revealed later.
Your character can be any character, but he must enter a portal. Portals are in the forest, caves, lakes, etc. He will hear of the prophecy, and attempt to reach Hircine and become the champion, or he will accidentally get lost into the realm, and he will look for a way out. Now, he may be trying to get out, but he may end up in Hircine's palace and be chosen as the champion?then the sequel comes.
Send all character sheets to WoolyMammoth.
1. No Character control
2. No Ubering
3. Werewolves are only open to experienced RPers. I will allow a vampire or two.
4. I don't want artifacts guys.
5. Your Character may die. Most do not survive the Hunting realm. I won't kill off many, for most, that will be your decision. But, if it is necessary to keep the plot going, someone must die.
6. You can have up to two characters, if you want more for some reason, like if you have a mercenary group, talk to me.
7. If your character dies, you can make a new one. The realm is huge, and portals are everywhere.
8. I will send things after you, and you will do most controlling. I may though, pop up with something that you will have to kill, that I will RP. If your character is at a serious risk of dying, I will give you the right to make that decision as always.
For your character, I want you to describe what they look like, and what their equipment looks like. If you want to save the history to be revealed, then do so.
Name (Lore appropriate please):
Physical Appearance: