Hype "TRAIN"?! [censored] I'm on a hype spaceship. The hype can't get any hypier.
Hype "TRAIN"?! [censored] I'm on a hype spaceship. The hype can't get any hypier.
I'm only contracted to 16 hours per week so I get so few holidays, but because I've been working 4-5 nights the past few weeks, it all counts as overtime towards my holidays, so come November 8, I shall enjoy being paid to play Fallout 4 for the entire week!
I already had 9 and 10 off, so i asked to work 9 and have 11 off. The 9th is going to be the longest day ever, so working will help speed it up. Get off, go get game, have next 2 days off.
But im hating that ive got aboard the hype train. I didnt even think about FO4 til about a week ago, and now.... I'm on these boards all night, thinking of different characters, rewatching the few videos that are out there. I try playing NV and Skyrim, but they dont help....This struggle I have in my head is a war. And War never changes.
why couldn't you have been my mom lol? 32 years late but my mom thru huge fit when my dad brought home a NES Good times
good Job your mom of the year keep going like that and theres no stopping you until teen years that is
I need some more leaks before I can get too hyped. Bethesda just never gives me enough on their own. Hopefully they'll release some more official stuff just to wet the appetite.
Lucky bastards. I have work and school. No week long Fallout 4 binge for me. I'll have to be old fashioned and wait for the weekend or sneak in a couple of hours before bed.
Yes, good luck with that hype hysteria you have, meanwhile I'm looking at the leaked vids and photos and any ounce of anything close to 'hype' (hope?) is destroyed or simply vanished.
Mine went other way. Hype increased even more.
Really? I don't get hyped when I see enemies derping about, or the A.I on everything being bad, along with the issue of trying to hack a terminal and the PC just derps as he/she tries to get into position and gets stuck to the desk/wall.
But oh well, at least you'll like it, that's all that matters.
Because I already expected all those things. Burning dog, broken necks, odd facial expressions, body parts stretching and etc. Bethesda games releases are always like that. What I enjoyed in all of those leaks were all the stuff that was confirmed. Perk info, new workbenches I didn't knew about, unedited combat footages that showed how looting works, thirdperson. Hell, the combat seems to be pretty damn fun now, even though I'll probably pacify them all with Intimidation perk. Not to mention cloth and hair physics and so on.
I'm still baffled why Bethesda marketing is so damn quiet. They showed only ONE perk video and then they went silent. And here I thought they'd be releasing perk videos every day but no.
maybe they don't wanna go the COD way spend 130mil on the game and 400+mil on marketing
Edit nothing wrong with it when you know your gonna make your money back just still seems expensive to me