Now, since you've signed up and logged in (cookies must be enabled), go find the mod you want to download. Click on download. It should open a popup with a some links to queue lines. Scroll down past the premium servers, and click on one of the free servers. Most of the time you wont have to wait for morrowind mods, but sometimes you do. when you click on the link, it should open another popup with either the queue line, or the download link. If its the download link, just click it and you've begun downloading! If its the queue line, click on Wait in Line, and wait. when its your turn to download, click the download link (it should automatically start downloading if you don't click on the link after 60 seconds of the download being ready.) YOUR DONE!
Mods of over 300kb are hosted on Fileplanet. The Morrowind Summit files at Fileplanet have no or hardly any waiting time because they're hosted on seperate servers. They aren't stored on the same servers as game demos for example. While this is good for waiting times, it means one cannot find files of the Summit through the Fileplanet search option. Very often people mail me asking why they can't find a flie using the search. Well, it apparently doesn't pick up our files. So, the only way to get the files is to search on the Summit, then click the Download link.
To unzip .rar, you'll need WINRAR (google it) or ZIPGENIOUS
TO unzip .zip, you'll need WINZIP or ZIPGENIOUS or WINRAR
To unzip .ace, you'll need WINACE, or ZIPGENIOUS or WINRAR
To unzup .7z, you'll need 7zip or WINRAR opens all formats mentioned here(as well as many I've never seen).
Very functional and easy to use.§ion=findpost&pid=2551503
Since some people can't sign up, I made a login for everyone to use (don't abuse, its for everyone):
password: morrowindmods
im not sure itll work if multuple people are logged in at the same time, but im not sure. log out when your done, just to be safe.
Please bump this thread up so that people can see it.
- Mori