A Fallout game every 2 years would indeed make people start being burnt-out and tired of Fallout. This isn't like a new FPS every 2 years, this is an RPG that can last you for months before you get tired of it. 2 years is far too quick for a new Fallout game. New Vegas is an exception because the vast majority of people who played Fallout 3 were first time players of the series and will of course be excited for another. But 3 Fallout games in 4 years would be too much for even the most die-hard fan.
:spotted owl:
lol i got news for you, it ain't gonna be 5 years till fallout 4 , no way, do you ever read what pete hines and todd howard talk about concerning the fallout series, here's a pete hines quote ["Pete Hines: We're very serious about bringing Fallout back to the forefront of RPGs in a MAJOR way.] he also said they bought the franchise in order to develop it and work on it, now bethesda has made only one fallout game so far. and that was almost 2 years ago and you think they are gonna wait 5 more years till fallout 4. obviously you don't pay attention to their comments regarding the fallout series, making one fallout game every 7 years is not them bringing fallout to the forefront of RPG's in a major way. seriously, listen to some todd howard interviews on the fallout series, fallout 3 was just the beginning, its the tip of the icegerg,
:celebration: i bet a fallout game will come out every two years basically for a while, they'll have obsidian follow up new vegas but they themselves will make fallout 4 and its coming soon. it's prob gonna be two years or less after new vegas, everyone thinks fallout 3 is the pinnacle of bethesda's work on falout, NOT EVEN CLOSE. i knew when fallout 3 first came out that they would follow up with another fallout and they are, new vegas, they aren't dropping the ball here on the fallout series, fallout 3 was a massive success and so will new vegas be, why in the hell would they stop making fallout games now? :lightbulb:
They bought the franchise to make multiple games, this is true. However, they also have another series, called The Elder Scrolls. Now, I'm sure you've heard of it, but choose to ignore it's existence, which is understandable given the fact that you seem to have convinced yourself Bethesda is going to release a Fallout game every 2 years from now until the end of time. But let me tell you a few things. Bethesda's most successful series is The Elder Scrolls. It's the series that put them into the minds of gamers, and all of their Elder Scroll games, combined, have made much more money than Fallout 3. Gamers have been hungry for more TES since the last Oblivion DLC in 2007, and they know that TES V would make them a huge amount of money. They let Obsidian make New Vegas not because they plan on releasing Fallout 4 in 2012 and over-saturate the market, but because they wanted to give Fallout fans something to play while they focused on The Elder Scrolls. Oh, Fallout 4 will come eventually, but not before TES V, meaning, yes, as late as 2014 or 2015.