For some reason the calm feture in the Imperials ability dont work sometimes for me, any one else that has this or now why it don't?
Is there a limit on how powerfull the enemy are and if so how do i chnage that?
For some reason the calm feture in the Imperials ability dont work sometimes for me, any one else that has this or now why it don't?
Is there a limit on how powerfull the enemy are and if so how do i chnage that?
If there's a limit, I don't think it can be changed. Though, I think each special power per race should work no matter the enemy size, if it's a power that has an effect on other NPC's, that is, like the Nord 'Battle Cry'. It might be a bug, and I don't know if just reloading a save will fix it. You might have to search for an Unofficial Skyrim Patch or Mod.
OK then it must be some bug, tested with a new game start and it's still bugged.
?? really?
It worked on a frost troll a year ago.
edit: Ok, according to the wiki it only works on NPCs
But it really worked on a frost troll that time. Unless trolls are NPCs.
OK i know what the problem was now i hope, i have changed it so that calmed enemy's will fight with you under the spell duration...but if you use the vanilla "MagicCharmFaction" for CharmFaction in the Papyrus it will not work all the time so i changed it to "MagicAllegiamceFaction"...seems like that did the trick.