OOC: Sorry for not replying much guys! School takes up a lot of time (surprisingly), unfortunately it also means I tend to be off when most of you guys are on, so I miss out on some of the good bits, on the other hand, I get mudcrabs and catapults

The small band of soldiers encircled the enemy, The Order, their troops oblivious to their presence. Arrius glanced at his two companions, Ulno and Crassius, seeing his determined face reflected in theirs was reassuring. Suddenly, Crassius let out a cry, firing arrows in close succession, his black-shafted arrows finding their targets with deadly precision. Whispering an arcane phrase, Arrius held his right hand open, drawing his left over it and moving it lengthwise, a elegant longsword materialising beneath his palm. Gripping the familiar weapon, he cast his gaze towards the camp. It was in utter chaos, men ran to and fro, searching for their attackers, only to be cut down by one of their assailants, or felled by a well-placed arrow.
"Kill them, leave one alive for questioning." Arrius heard his commander, Soren say, somehow audible over the din of the combat.
As he scanned the camp, he spotted one enemy soldier looking distinctly more prepared than the others.
Guess this'll be the one who's going to be lucky, Arrius thought, quickly closing the distance between them, his free hand glowing faintly. The soldier, perhaps even a officer, judging by his relatively well-made armor, spotted Arrius, and turned towards him, settling into a defensive stance, his shield in position to quickly intercept any incoming blows. Arrius snorted, bringing his hand up, palm facing towards the officer, a whispered word sent a crackling bolt of lightning towards him, but the officer was quick, and swiftly sidestepped out of the way. But not far enough. His cumbersome shield was struck by the bolt of lightning, super-heating the metal, a red hot glow spreading from the point of impact. Unfazed by his error, the officer swiftly released his shield, falling heavily by his side, gripping his sword with both hands, he glared at Arrius with undisguised hate,
"Imperial dog, do you somehow think your sad excuse for an empire, will defeat us? The Imperial Order is not weak, it will not fall to farmers and dandies playing soldier!" Arrius had heard enough, he felt his anger simmering beneath, but he pushed it down. Without a word, Arrius lunged towards the Officer, but he easily parried the attack, following it with a fierce counterattack. Backpedaling rapidly, Arrius barely managed to weather the furious onslaught of the officer, with a few of his cuts slipping past Arrius' guard and nicking his chainmail, but thankfully none had enough force to pierce the armor. Finally, to Arrius' relief, the officer let his offensive get the better of him, a raised overhand strike leaving his chest unprotected. Following instinct, Arrius lashed out with his sword, the blade catching the soldier on his chest, sending him staggering from the unexpected attack. Seizing the opportunity, he drew upon his magick and pressed his hand against the officer's head, sending a wave of chilling energy towards him. The officer tried to stand, but it was doomed to fail, the mind-numbing effects of the frost spell already sending him unconscious.
Strangely, Arrius felt dizzy, it seemed like someone had placed a veil over his eyes, he heard the sounds of weapons clashing and saw figures fighting before him, he tried to move, but all he could manage was a shuffle before he fell. Feeling a strange sensation, he pressed a hand to his arm, and it came away sticky, with a black odorous substance on it. He thought vaguely of poison and tried to stand, to call for help, felt the world spinning and then, nothing.