I'm sorry, but I have to continue the quote war
It's not a guess, without any allies they have nothing. The Shatter-shields wouldn't be the only ones to aid them and they're going to lose all their business due to the east empire company and other factors and they have no allies to resupply them and have nothing to aid them. Silver-bloods have to deal with a more angry or driven forsworn rebellion, and the gray-manes while being one of the oldest families in whiterun aren't exactly rolling in septims.
They can live off the land and survive on donation from sympathetic citizens. Maybe they'll be forced to use their imagination.
Funding can be done but the problem is you can't fund a rebellion that has almost no figure to rally behind or reinforcements
The Thalmor provides those reinforcements simply by going about their usual business. And a leader can quickly be appointed. There must be one individual in the SC army who is a capable commander and has earned the respect of his/her men.
The legions have more soldiers, more troops, more people to recruit to make up the loses
And they need every singly one of them at the AD border.
Yes, very true because again THEY HAVE NO ALLIES TO HELP THEM
Except the Thalmor (indirectly, of course)
Yes, 100% true. All the stormcloak supporting jarls have no power nor did they actually have much to begin with if we look at Riften and Dawnstar, two places that weren't fully behind the stormcloaks with winterhold being to small to actually support an army. They also have no allies or sympathizers outside of skyrim.
They literally have no safety net to fall back on, with the death of Ulfric they'll become demoralized only to be made worse by Legion reinforcements coming in to deal with any stormcloak remnants. The stormcloaks can hide in their hills but you know what? The legion has been in skyrim for ages, they know the land well too, they have nords supporting them, they still have jarls that can take power even if the stormcloaks win.
It's not that the Legion can't handle the SCs. It's handling them while securing the border that gets problematic. And those legion reinforcements are only mentioned if the SC take Falreath.