yes... the new town is being moved away from the deadric statue, and drads (just on the other side of the fort) if anyone knows of any new conflcits that could be an issue, i would like to know (impossible for me to test every mod

but if anyone knows of some major ones, would help to either avoid, or incorerpate them)
and the back story for sutch is, 40 years ago, the bandit king rodrick, raided the town, killing all but 3 of the towns knights, a small handful of citizens, and the heir to the throne..
5 years before the stat of oblvion, a imperial nobleman named connan idwoa, along with a small army, raided the city, and killed of all the bandits within its walls, and started up the city again.. but after ppl returned, about a year ago, the city cut off all comunicates with the rest of cyrodiil, no one has heard anything from inside the walls, no traders are let in, no one gets out... all investigations are stoped... and investiagors, disapear... so its up to the play, to discover the mysterise behind sutch..
thats the guise for all the quests in the first quest arc... the second quest arc, deals with the same quest line that was in the orginal sutch...
so basicly, im moving the town over, tot he other side of the fort, and making it a closed city, to cut down on the lag...
their still will be a bit of a kynerith influcne over the city, but not a high and mighty diviene worshiping city, due to the same facts of kvatch... "why did the gods left this happen" bit, the chaple will be in disrepair, and a quest serise to help restore the nine in the city...
also there willl be kynierth knights, that patrol the city, once the divine lnk has been restored, and milita members, patroling roads, paths, and villages in county sutch.
the docks are also going to be optional this time, so if they conflcit, or you perfer oysterbay in that location, u can chose that....
jsut some info for you all