[REL]/[WIP]The Imperical City of Sutch Reborn

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:06 pm

sutch 8.6 is being relaesd as a beta atm on nexus, there should be no issues... and if there would be, it would be ai blips, cliping, or cells not being named correctly.. since there are no quests with this relase (working quests that is)


will post some screenies after the file uploads!
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

well, nexus apernetly had issues, and it didnt upload correctly, im working now to fix an error i found with the package anyway..

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Look forward to the screenies. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am

I've been following this for a while, and I have to say that I am really excited for it. Keep up all the good work. I think I am going to D/L the version you are working on now as soon as you post it on Nexus.

Thanks for all the hard work!
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

posted sutch 8.6 to nexus... its still beta, becuase there might be a few issues... 8.7 will be a stable relase... also 8.7 will hopefuly be less bugged, do to removing all the old ref ids from the objects no longer used by this mod... and will look into fixing all the bad edits

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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

version 8.6 has been realsed to nexus,

thanks to all who made this relase posible

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:19 pm

Is the only diference between 8.6 and the final release (when its released) the fact that theres no quests??

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:35 pm

Is the only diference between 8.6 and the final release (when its released) the fact that theres no quests??


Good question. But I think we can assume there will be some bug fixes, minor enhancements etc etc as well.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 am

hehe well.... that would be correct....

but 8.6 had major curption issues, and a load of other game cripling bugs... inclduing sutch thigns as not being able to sleep/wait.. and many many other featres... to many to name... so im starting back a bit, and redoing it, a completly new layout, and such....

sutch is going to be completly modualr this time, pick the pices u do, and do not want....

offering the docks as a seprate esp for example.... all the inteiors are done and decoarted, all the npcs are done, all the layout is done, only thing left to do is ai for all the npcs in sutch (totataling in the 60's)

after that, 9.0 will be realsed... and at that point, quests will be focused on...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 am

wow this mod looks really awesome, and I love that it is actually lore friendly. So I'm sorry if I sound kind of like an idiot but are you saying that version 9 will be everything including the quests or its just the complete city? I got confused reading the tes nexus site and this forum.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:09 am

hehe sorry there mate, i dont venture here too too offten, just becuase this isnt a high hit mod, so not alot of posts, and i have so many other forums that i have high standings in to monitor, in addtion to nexus, not to mention modding ;)

but 7.9, is the OLD version of sutch, and has full voice acting, and such... and removed some diffrent errors...

8.6, was a complete redo of the old town layout, and was in the same location... it found to be curpted, and was abandoned...

9.0 is a new city layout, in a new location (other side of the fort) with some new npcs, some old ones, new buildings, new features, and more...

9.5, maybe.. will have the frist quest arc, and version 10 should have the full mod... and anything that apears after that would be bug fixes :)

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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 am

So building, what stage are you in (version)?

Is there any way I can help in my spare time?

Im still anticipating a final version of this city, since it's been passing through hands for...oh...3 years I think. So you have my guaranteed download. :)
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 am

alright thanks, I think I will probably just wait until a final version is made that way I don't have to keep downloading files.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 am

i have finshed linking all the cells, to the worldspace, sutch is going to be a closed city this time to cut down on lag...

im not nearly to version 9 yet, but im getting there, adding clutter now... thats the hard part... figureing out how to make the city feel real...

i kept the great tree of life, the big oak tree in the town square... and the church of kynerith... this one is going to have a very natrue themed bit... perhpase a good bit with kynerith before its over..

any ideas anyone has for sutch, i would love to hear them, any idea would be nice to hear what u all have to say, and help me figure ouit what to put were :)

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:18 pm

Is the temple/town still druid oriented? If so then quests that reflect that in the surrounding areas.

Maybe avoid the more common themes of an arena in favor of casting the town as some how at a distance from the rest of Cyrodiil. Unusual customs, etc. After all it is not like Anvil or Kvatch are very far, so what is the story with this settlement?

To summarize I can think of four mods that the current sutch conflicts with:
UL Heath
UL Lost Coast
Grandmaster of Alchemy
Verona House Bloodlines

So possibly ways to minimize the footprint and conflicts (without cramping your own vision that is).

Also the daedric shrine out front has serious clipping with rocks added by the town.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:53 am

yes... the new town is being moved away from the deadric statue, and drads (just on the other side of the fort) if anyone knows of any new conflcits that could be an issue, i would like to know (impossible for me to test every mod ;) but if anyone knows of some major ones, would help to either avoid, or incorerpate them)

and the back story for sutch is, 40 years ago, the bandit king rodrick, raided the town, killing all but 3 of the towns knights, a small handful of citizens, and the heir to the throne..

5 years before the stat of oblvion, a imperial nobleman named connan idwoa, along with a small army, raided the city, and killed of all the bandits within its walls, and started up the city again.. but after ppl returned, about a year ago, the city cut off all comunicates with the rest of cyrodiil, no one has heard anything from inside the walls, no traders are let in, no one gets out... all investigations are stoped... and investiagors, disapear... so its up to the play, to discover the mysterise behind sutch..

thats the guise for all the quests in the first quest arc... the second quest arc, deals with the same quest line that was in the orginal sutch...

so basicly, im moving the town over, tot he other side of the fort, and making it a closed city, to cut down on the lag...

their still will be a bit of a kynerith influcne over the city, but not a high and mighty diviene worshiping city, due to the same facts of kvatch... "why did the gods left this happen" bit, the chaple will be in disrepair, and a quest serise to help restore the nine in the city...

also there willl be kynierth knights, that patrol the city, once the divine lnk has been restored, and milita members, patroling roads, paths, and villages in county sutch.

the docks are also going to be optional this time, so if they conflcit, or you perfer oysterbay in that location, u can chose that....

jsut some info for you all

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evelina c
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:21 pm

Great Work, biulding! :tops: I just finished reading all 8 pages on here, and caught up with your whole work progress on this mod.
I hope you stay motivated and determined to finish up the project, coz' I WILL be downloading the final release version!
Thank You, and CHEERS!!! :foodndrink:
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

Besides the mods psymon mentions, Castle Seaview should be figured in. Also, the Brena river is so small you should make the whole mouth a little port & set it up so it looks like it serves both Sutch & Castle Seaview.
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Tyler F
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 am

You can use Dragon Captions Resource Pack instead of Giskard's original one for his mods that aren't covered by your team, right?

Edit: Just found it, you can use it :) Spend a full hour looking, and when I close the documents after posting here, I saw what I was looking for :)

Edit 2: What happened to Dragon Captions Guards of Cyrodiil, it's not downloadable anymore from nexus, and I can't find it anywhere else...
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Kill Bill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 am

hm.. htought i posted something on this last night.. but for the brena... ima make a separte ?(optional) plugin that makes it wider, and deeper (it only comes up to my knees...) and make it have a prooper feed, from an old ruin with a waterfall or something..

castle sea veiw is something intersting to think about.... perhapse it can be said that its the castle of the baron for the docks, and the former oysterbay?

and goc, was removed becuase onra and firesparks left dc, and are not going to use the dcrp, they are making their own reosuce pack for their mods.. im not sure when they will be relased...

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 am

If you're going to do widening on Brena River, definitely consider making it optional for those folks using the UL that goes up there.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

i remembered an ul that edited it, so taht is the exact reason for a separtte esp, to offer suport for the ul's work.. hehe want as many ppl as posisble to enjoy my work, and the mods they enjoy aswell..

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 am

hm.. thought i posted something on this last night.. but for the brena... ima make a separate ?(optional) plugin that makes it wider, and deeper (it only comes up to my knees...) and make it have a proper feed, from an old ruin with a waterfall or something..

castle seaview is something interesting to think about.... perhaps it can be said that its the castle of the baron for the docks, and the former oysterbay?

Yes to both! Plus, I also agree with Arthmoor, except I don't use xul_BOC_LC, so I don't really care how long you take to do a separate esp.

edited the quote for spelling.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

well, today me and my team are starting ai work for all the npcs in sutch the guards are already done, next will be guilds, upper class, and castle staff..

then the middle class, shops, and lower class...

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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

Hooray :)
Another step closer to the end
Keep it up guys :mohawk:

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