[REL]/[WIP]The Imperical City of Sutch Reborn

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 am

still must say how much i hate creating daily routines for diffrent npcs (60+) hehe this is going to be a few weeks most likely.. but will get there slowly but surely...

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Maria Leon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:44 pm

most of the ai is now done, the castle, the upper class homes, and some of the guilds are already done, just a few shops, a few residentail homes, and then a couple of other guilds.. then we will be moving on to full testing, and then backgorund rumoirs, and dialoge

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

I have to say it is an impressive undertaking to go and build a town entirely by your self. It seems you got it almost 100% done. If you need any help just let us know. We are not here just for fun we like to participate occasionally as well.

I am downloading v8.0 right now and I will try it out later.

Downloading the entire Dragon Captions Resource Pack is going to take a few days, that is something unexpected. I did not see that one coming.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:28 pm

a few days? that is odd to me... it took me a few days to upload up :P hehe nexus upload speeds are not nearly as good as their dl speeds, glad though... i much rather have faster dl speeds than upload speeds.. i dl far more than i upload :P hehe

as for the offers of help, thanks mate...

the versions on nexus, "the imperial city of sutch, reborn" is at version 8.0, and im not working on it any more. im working on a completly new version, that is a closed city, becuasae of the huge fps hits, and few other bugs. one of the most annyoing thigns for me, was their would be this odd lod apear in the middle of town, that didnt follow the vinilia landscape, and apears in vinillia ob, i assume it has something to do with beths removal of sutch... since its in the base game...

as for county sutch reborn, im working hard to get that one playable... having full, daily scheduals, with alternate, raining packages. so they wont sit outside in the rain.

i think it will be far better this time.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 am

bug: with the 8.0 version installed the initial script to get into the Shivering Isles doesn't start.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:53 pm

hm... thats strange, cant imagen why, didnt edit aything to do with si....

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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 am

okay, well we are ending the ai phase, and now getting ready to go into the phase of polishing off all the features, all the ai, and everythign else...


this is the new suth trailer, showing the new layouts, and retextured buildings.. there are still a good number of minor fixes to be made... but hope you all enjoy

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lisa nuttall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 am

okay, well we are ending the ai phase, and now getting ready to go into the phase of polishing off all the features, all the ai, and everythign else...


this is the new suth trailer, showing the new layouts, and retextured buildings.. there are still a good number of minor fixes to be made... but hope you all enjoy


Damn, that trailer is awesome!
Can I ask how long we're going to wait for the new version?
I really want to hold off using this untill its all fixed up and those extra edits are cleaned.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:30 pm

can't wait for the closed version of the city to be released, keep up the good work
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Amanda savory
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:52 pm

thasnks all, glad u liked the trailer... progress is slow.. and school starts back tomorrow, so it might get a bit worse... but things are still getting done....

and abvoe, this is a completly new esp.... so it wont have all the bad edits of the old esp.... so that should help....

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brian adkins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 am

trailer looks fantastic! great work, can't wait to get this new version into my load order!
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Tai Scott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

School? In August?
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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 am

Always school in August here (MidEast USA).. August to May/June depending on college or highschool.

Also, since I had to look for it ;), here's a link to the required curp packs - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24279
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 am

Ah, dont know where "here" is but in Midwest USA my kids dont start school till September at least and go till end May early June
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

hehe south east us... it varys by the state... and in some places the county... so enough for that :P hehe

as for sutch, voice liens are being writen, 2 or so more npcs for the common folk, then onto the upper class, and giulds....

sutchs mages guild is centered around aleyid studies... they do offer spells, buit only those that logcily would make sense to be atributed to researchers, and aleyids....

there will be some infor on that in the mages guild, which hosues the grand library this time around.

sutch also features some other unqiue guilds that are not present in the base game...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:05 am

hehe south east us... it varys by the state... and in some places the county... so enough for that :P hehe

as for sutch, voice liens are being writen, 2 or so more npcs for the common folk, then onto the upper class, and giulds....

sutchs mages guild is centered around aleyid studies... they do offer spells, buit only those that logcily would make sense to be atributed to researchers, and aleyids....

there will be some infor on that in the mages guild, which hosues the grand library this time around.

sutch also features some other unqiue guilds that are not present in the base game...


Sounds funky. So this new version is going to be a closed city? Awesome! Then it can have the kind of detail the better cities have, right? :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 am

it is going to have alot of finer details, im going to look into better citties soon and see what all the fine detials that were put into those mods, and maybe take some ideas for sutch.... i doubt i will go as indpeth as some of the bc stuff... but its going to have a LOT more than the vinillia cities, that is for sure....

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:08 am

it is going to have alot of finer details, im going to look into better citties soon and see what all the fine detials that were put into those mods, and maybe take some ideas for sutch.... i doubt i will go as indpeth as some of the bc stuff... but its going to have a LOT more than the vinillia cities, that is for sure....


The easiest way to create a city superior to the vanilla ones is simply to have many more buildings than a vanilla city. Increase the population, and minimise on empty space (excluding any gardens or public areas of course). Have some small alleys between some houses rather than wide roadways. This alone would be enough to make the town better than the vanilla ones.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:40 pm

thanks for the tips vor, i will keep them in mind... i cant squese antoher building into the city, and the current cout is i think 25 buildings... over 60 npcs so far, thats not counting dark factions, or quest npcs...

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

I always find its lots of little detail that make the better cities stand out. An alleyway between some houses isnt just an alleyway, there could be some shady looking man stood in it, or a stack of crates thats fallen down making a mess everywhere.
I think its the signs of life like that which make a city feel much more alive than simply having a dozen NPC's running around.

Vorians is right about the density thing, the closer the houses the more full and real the city looks. And dont be scared to build upwards! Just look at what Better cities did to the imperial city market district and you'll see the effect of building upwards. Its stunning.

Best of luck! I'm excited about this next version :P
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:39 pm

Hmm... I'm having an issue where most of the city's square is missing. The only things that show properly are the Flying Mud Crab and the manor to it's right, as well as a few barrels and floating plants where the central tree garden would be. I reinstalled the Cyrodil Upgrade Packs and all the Sutch data just to ensure a proper install, but no change. The terrain appears correct, the walls properly positioned, the castle and it's interiors are all present, the docks are way the hell down those big atrocious steps; just the town square fails to load.

I've got Lost Coast and it's compatibility patch going, BOSSed it all up, Bash Patched (not that I think its required for a mod like this). I can't imagine what I'm doing wrong here...
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:57 pm

hehe you are doing nothing wrong there mate...

i beleave it does state this in the description on nexus....

but for versions 8.0 and lower, the city is constructed as the quest line is completed... kind of like cropsford for oblivion players, but more like raven rock... for morrowind players... although a part the way through the quest focus does change from building the city, to the plot line... but still the city is built up by the quests...

for the new version, this feature is being removed, as to the constant questions about it... and its not practical... if it was a colony, or small village, it would be... but a city like this... would not be practical for this to occur... so its being removed in the next version..

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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:42 pm

hehe you are doing nothing wrong there mate...

i beleave it does state this in the description on nexus....

but for versions 8.0 and lower, the city is constructed as the quest line is completed... kind of like cropsford for oblivion players, but more like raven rock... for morrowind players... although a part the way through the quest focus does change from building the city, to the plot line... but still the city is built up by the quests...

for the new version, this feature is being removed, as to the constant questions about it... and its not practical... if it was a colony, or small village, it would be... but a city like this... would not be practical for this to occur... so its being removed in the next version..


Sounds sensible to me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 am

the city is constructed as the quest line is completed...

Now, I like the IDEA... But, the way they do it with all the walls already built up, floating plants and a huge group of people walking around in the pit that would be the square... Not exactly how I'd expect a city to be built. I'm glad that feature is being removed from Sutch.

But, I would love to see more Ravenrock-ish mods. I should really give that Kvatch Rebuilt mod a go.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:15 am

yes, i have tried kr, it was not for me... but was nice all the same...

back to sutch...

orginal there wernt any ppl in the city... so in the earlyer stages it made far more sense :P and as the idea of building the city got lost.... so did its suport...

the floating objects are things that got mised in the codding somewhere :P

the walls were left,becuase acording to the back story, sutch was a city, with everything in it like anywhere sle, but it got raided, and burned to the gorund... ti was my plan to go back and redo the first quest so theire where badnits, and ruins and such... then have ppl remove the ruins, and rebuild stuff.. but that never came to pass...

as for the new versions... dailoge is still being writen....

as i said school is slowing progress a bit, but things are still moving

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