a few days? that is odd to me... it took me a few days to upload up

hehe nexus upload speeds are not nearly as good as their dl speeds, glad though... i much rather have faster dl speeds than upload speeds.. i dl far more than i upload

as for the offers of help, thanks mate...
the versions on nexus, "the imperial city of sutch, reborn" is at version 8.0, and im not working on it any more. im working on a completly new version, that is a closed city, becuasae of the huge fps hits, and few other bugs. one of the most annyoing thigns for me, was their would be this odd lod apear in the middle of town, that didnt follow the vinilia landscape, and apears in vinillia ob, i assume it has something to do with beths removal of sutch... since its in the base game...
as for county sutch reborn, im working hard to get that one playable... having full, daily scheduals, with alternate, raining packages. so they wont sit outside in the rain.
i think it will be far better this time.