[REL]/[WIP]The Imperical City of Sutch Reborn

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 am

as i said school is slowing progress a bit, but things are still moving

good good. Do not relent!
I mean, uh.. grades are more important. :P
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

hehe first weekend so far... so i should be able to wrap up atleast the guild lines this weekend.... maybe the upper class lines aswell... posisbly even the genral sutch lines, and the rumors for other towns... "have you heard anywrod from sutch?" "no, i have not, its been a long while since anyones heard news from there i belive...." kind of things :)

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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:49 pm

hehe first weekend so far... so i should be able to wrap up atleast the guild lines this weekend.... maybe the upper class lines aswell... posisbly even the genral sutch lines, and the rumors for other towns... "have you heard anywrod from sutch?" "no, i have not, its been a long while since anyones heard news from there i belive...." kind of things :)

Luckily, you can probably make the sound clip easily just by manipulating some audio from the official voice actors. I'm sure every race says "such" at one point or another. :P
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 am

hehe that is quite intersting thought there :D having a khajit talking, then u hear at the end, sutch in a nord voice, or somethign quite diffrent :P lol

kinda humours :P

i will mention it to my voice technican, to see what he thinks of that one :P

the mages guild lines have been started.... and trying to think of lore lines.... but need some help from the other team members...

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D LOpez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 am

just a few more lines to write... which will be done at a latter time, no matter... the mages giuld lines need more research.. the ai will always need twekaing, but that is not important for now....

most things have been tiedied up... and im just bug testing now...

not all doors will work, some are boarded up becuase they are not ready yet :P


ps, agian for thiose who missed it, teh latest trailer is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpkSGJIogKw
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:39 am

Trailer looks very impressive, it's funny how the TES3 Morrowind music always manages to add that extra touch of desirability in trailers - when I hear that I think, ooooooh Morrowind..... ah......... and then the trailer looks even better than it might have with TES4 music!
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:57 pm

It's all in the music :P Looks good. Goooood.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:35 pm

Cant wait for this release, and it sounds close!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:41 pm

thanks for the compliments on the trialer, i didnt make it :P one of my team mates did, and he did a wonderful job on it... and i loved morrowind... probably more than ob.. just ob has more possiblites to mod than morrowind :P just like fallouts hard for me to mod... o well :P

and yes, the relase is nearing, but not for a week or so more i would imagen, to make sure its good for a first release...

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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

version 8-2 has been realsed to nexus, this should be the final realse for the mod... hope everything is included this time

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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:09 pm

Proud of you Building. Sorry I've been away for a while, so there hasn't been much input on my part. But good job on the mod!
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:02 pm

hehe may adck's work finaly be laid to rest then, sutch reborn is complete minus the odd bug that will be reproted....

in other news...

County Sutch is still in development, and i will be handing out information on that mod as it becomes avaible :)

thank you to all those who have followed this mod.

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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:29 pm

So let me get this straight ...

The patch Vorians made almost a year ago for lost coast is still viable and recommended with this version?
The Aylied Ruin added by OOO conflicts but that it is still playable?

Gonna check this out. thanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 am

vorians patch is still required for this mod (it wont ctd without the patch, but the docks is inaccesable, without the patch... lol, i keep forgeting to dl the patch... so im dealing with this :P)

as for the ooo ruin... not sure on the extent of the conflcit... i do not use ooo... but from the reports i was given.. it will run, just with flaoting objects... or cliping depending on load order..

im not apposed to it if someone wants to create a patch for the ooo ruin and sutch docks.

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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 am

OK so I'm completely confused by this.

I just downloaded 8.2 (the one with the words - hopefully final).

And I cannot tell the difference between it and previous versions (7.9 last I had).

Yes I get the message to talk to the guy in the imperial city, but I go to the site anyway.

1st attempt - I check out the Y named OOO ruin at it is totally livable - patch not even really necessary. I then run up the stairs (thought there was going to be a tunnel) -and about half way up the screen goes black in all directions - I fumble around in the dark then ctd.

2nd attempt - I go to the Ruin added by Verona House Bloodlines. At first it seems ok, but then I notice a house got added there behind the ruin (near mouth of ravine) - I scratch my head and wonder as this ruin was reported several times as conflicting and I was under the impression that there was an effort to address this. I wonder around a bit more and fall through a death dealing land tear (as big as with the last version).

3rd attempt - I travel straight to the western gate and the layout of the city and everything looks exactly the same as version 7.9 with many NPCs, floating plants, and more death dealing land tears.

What I do not see is only one or two houses and a city to rebuild.
Is this original city there until you talk to the guy in the IC?

Otherwise this is pretty much unplayable at this point.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

strange... do a complete mod reset, to fix the flaoting plants and such.... as for the land tears, and conflcits, i do not play with any of those mods, and have not tested... i belvie it would be best to contact a patch maker to fix the bloodlines bit... not sure bout adding of hosues.... i dont belvie i added any in the latest versions... last content realse was version 7.8... the relases following were stabilty... hm...

appears there is more work to do, as always :)

back to the drawling boards then i fear...

if u could, or someone take some screenshots of some of these issues? so i can see if there is anything i can easly do on my end....


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KU Fint
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:18 pm

Oh wait I wasnt clear.

I never had Sutch 7.8 (or whichever was previous) installed with this character.

I did have it installed on a previous characters load order, but after I heard you were going to make a revision I uninstalled it and then after a few renovations of my load order started a new character several months back.

So this install of it was as fresh as can be.

What I would appreciate actually is a screenshot of what the town is supposed to look like prior to starting the quest of the mod, because it already looked functional.

I too will snap a few once by character gets out of oblivion again (those gates are a pain in the @$$ and I wish I had not set EDI to open gates right away - sheesh).

I'd bet what was causing the the tears in the town square was just as before - UL the Heath. Floating plants were native as I recall.

Perhaps the house was not added by this mod - will double check that too.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:26 pm

Alright I have a few screen shots but I'm betting the problem is deeper than anything here. Basically I did two run-throughs after installing. Sorry about foggy pics tried FW 38EEE with AN but the fog stuck. That And running around the city was very very crashy (about 10 reloads to get these few pics)

Starting from my house (mountain shack) I then first went to Yelari (OOO Ruin) and things seem OK: http://i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo54/psymon11b/SutchYelari-OK1.jpg

I Then traveled to the Verona added ruin and more conflicts of floating Ruin and land tear:

I understand that it is not expected for every mod to be compatible, however, these are exactly the same conflicts as the last version. also the house added behind the Verona Ruin was by another mod and I didn't realize it (the Naked Nord) so sorry about that.

Then went into the town which was an open town just like the previous version and saw the same land tear and floating plants as last time:
And outside was the same rocks colliding with the same shrine.

Basically this is the same town and it is fully occupied and has farms outside and shops inside. It is Open and I thought the new version was going to be in a closed space.

So second run through - this time I loaded an earlier save with same character but that had not been to the town already. I went to the IC Talos District and found Codwell right away. he told me to find Ocato at Fort Sutch and I was given a quest about rebuilding the town. I traveled there (and again this save had not already been there) and it was the same as above and I could not find Ocato (or whatever his name was) anywhere near the fort or anywhere else.

I did resolve the crashiness by disabling the UL Heath and that also removed the floating plants and land tear.

Other than meeting an NPC at the IC who gave me a dead end quest the mod seems exactly the same as it was months ago. I see on Nexus though that people are saying 8.1 had no town on the spot so maybe this is all what is wrong with 8.2 or that the wrong file got uploaded.

So I have a technical forum question - embedding the hyperlinks in words instead of posting the link - how do you do that? I tried using the post link but it didn't work and never has.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:28 pm

I get the floating plants, it's an issue I reported with the last version.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:53 pm

Where in the Imperial City is Coddwell. I've looekd around, but I don't see him/her anywhere
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u gone see
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Where in the Imperial City is Coddwell. I've looekd around, but I don't see him/her anywhere

I found him wandering the grounds of Green Emporer Way.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am

Is there a chance some of these issues are due to version confusion? The mod discussed here is an 8xxx release. I swear I once saw mention of work on version 9.0. As I recall, that's the one that was to make Sutch a closed city, and amongst other things resolve many compatibility issues. It was basically a total redo. I think that's what folk are expecting with this release, which is likely just the last major update before 9x appears.

Am I way off base here? If so just let me know and I'll remove my comments.

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:28 pm

Just to double check I redownlaoded version 8.2 and rechecked contents - and indeed this is what I tested above.

I then downloaded 8.1 and installed it after completely removing 8.2 (and reverting to a save that had never been there or had 8.2 in the load order (just to be clear).

8.1 was packaged with a BSA. After bashing the patch and loading the game - the first thing I notice is no message to see Codwell in the IC (with 8.2 I found him right away in Talos district). That isn't what interested me anyway - I wanted to see if the same city was there and traveled there to find out. Yes it is the same city as 7.8 excpet with missing banners and missing armor on guards. and crashy - twice a ctd.

So whatever version people on Nexus used to have no city there from the start - I cannot find (even in beta).

Decripit- that was my understanding as well. yet, if you read the comments on Nexus some complained about there being no city prior to talking to this codwell character.
So I'm very confused and so far convinced that what is up must be the wrong mod version.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am

The patch I created for UL Lost Coast will likely NOT be compatible with versions 8.1+ of Sutch Reborn, I predict land tears just south of where Sutch adds a line of steps leading down from the city towards the coast. The patch will need updating.

The majority of changes between 7.9 and 8.1+ (excluding v8.0 which wasn't used for 8.1+) won't be noticeable in-game (unless biulding has made adjustments I'm not aware of). Accidental edits (e.g. most vanilla scripts uncompiled) were removed, some cell edits south of the aforementioned steps were removed as redundant (thus breaking the UL compatibility patch).

A clean save would certainly be very wise if upgrading from v7.* to v8.1+.

Psymon, would I be right in saying that everything you're reporting is other-mod related? This seems to be the case: an OOO cave, a VHB ruin, UL Lost Coast land tears (not sure you actually mention these, but I do expect them to exist with or without my old patch), and floating plants related to UL The Heath? (plus a house from The Naked Nord - thanks for mentioning that one, I didn't know it adds anything in this area).
The City itself should be little more than city walls and NPCs initially, with most or all other buildings missing. Exception being the Docks area, where there should be a number of unenterable buildings.

If this is all correct, then biulding, Sutch Reborn itself doesn't need further work, instead patches are needed to work with it.

Based on my understanding, Decrepit is correct, v9 (renamed County Sutch) will be a closed city. What biulding has done here is re-release v7.9 with (hopefully) any accidental or needless edits removed, making it cleaner and more compatible with other mods in general, and ensuring that it doesn't mess up the vanilla game at all. No specific conflicts with other mods were looked into (County Sutch deals with this by making things like the Docks an optional separate ESP) - 8.1+ is 7.9 tweaked, and is intended as the final release of Sutch Reborn before moving onto the closed County Sutch.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 am

While it is true that I reported mod conflicts - the main gist of it is that when you load the game it even says (with version 8.2) that there SHOULD be no city there already and to talk to Codwell in the IC.

But there is a city there and is an exact duplicate of the 7.8 version with all the same issues. Such as rocks colliding with the shrine outside. It is fully occupied and in trying to follow up with the mission that Codwell gives - there is no person at Fort Sutch to even talk to.

Clean save not necessary as detailed above. I did not go into all buildings but the NPCs look the same to me. Same city basically not a bit reworked from what I saw.

My reporting on the mod conflicts was also related to the previous discussion of how the mod was going to be more compatible and is not.

The latest version is 8.2 not 8.1 and he called it final.

[edit] but maybe I did not fully understand the difference between County of Sutch and this. Still the quest given seemed broken right from the get go.
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