» Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am
The patch I created for UL Lost Coast will likely NOT be compatible with versions 8.1+ of Sutch Reborn, I predict land tears just south of where Sutch adds a line of steps leading down from the city towards the coast. The patch will need updating.
The majority of changes between 7.9 and 8.1+ (excluding v8.0 which wasn't used for 8.1+) won't be noticeable in-game (unless biulding has made adjustments I'm not aware of). Accidental edits (e.g. most vanilla scripts uncompiled) were removed, some cell edits south of the aforementioned steps were removed as redundant (thus breaking the UL compatibility patch).
A clean save would certainly be very wise if upgrading from v7.* to v8.1+.
Psymon, would I be right in saying that everything you're reporting is other-mod related? This seems to be the case: an OOO cave, a VHB ruin, UL Lost Coast land tears (not sure you actually mention these, but I do expect them to exist with or without my old patch), and floating plants related to UL The Heath? (plus a house from The Naked Nord - thanks for mentioning that one, I didn't know it adds anything in this area).
The City itself should be little more than city walls and NPCs initially, with most or all other buildings missing. Exception being the Docks area, where there should be a number of unenterable buildings.
If this is all correct, then biulding, Sutch Reborn itself doesn't need further work, instead patches are needed to work with it.
Based on my understanding, Decrepit is correct, v9 (renamed County Sutch) will be a closed city. What biulding has done here is re-release v7.9 with (hopefully) any accidental or needless edits removed, making it cleaner and more compatible with other mods in general, and ensuring that it doesn't mess up the vanilla game at all. No specific conflicts with other mods were looked into (County Sutch deals with this by making things like the Docks an optional separate ESP) - 8.1+ is 7.9 tweaked, and is intended as the final release of Sutch Reborn before moving onto the closed County Sutch.