thanks for the comments
but sadly, i am to inform that im stoping all public progress on sutch, here at beth forums.
there may/will be new versions at the nexus link....
thanks for the report mate....
the lost coasts, is gonna be patched, so i shrunk the docks back down, because the beckon lighting, and lod was messing up....
and i need it to be simi compatible with the lost coasts, because it is soooooo popular....
i know about the Verona, my suggestions is, wen u need to get into the tomb, load it after sutch, and after u finish in it, switch sutch to, after..... so it should be a bit better....
i have not heard news on the mod with the river damming... sounds possibly interesting....
there is to be a tunnel system to the city made, for freight, and guard work

the stairs are from commoners, guards, and work less unions... (who said slavery was illegal) but were not calling it that

work less unions

so, this will be the last post i post on this, or toyb's, or da mages threads for sutch.
this mod is fully working, and 6.8 is beginning tested right now, and will be on nexus, i can still be contacted there....
biulding3015, out...