[REL]/[WIP]The Imperical City of Sutch Reborn

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

greatings, my name is biulding3015

first off, my spelling is not perfect, dont compain....

now, for my mods, this is the first one.
its sutch rebron,
added city to the nort of the fortress that is there.

this mod is in final realse
the version 6.3 is fully funcitonal, im working on a test realse of version 6.5, wich revamps some of the quest

more to come


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My blood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 am

Name: The Imperial Township of Sutch, Reborn
Version: 6.3
Date: 8/17/2008
Category: Quests and Adventures
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Recommended: Oblivion Mod Manager
Author(s): Biulding3015, conecpt by Adck
Source: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16815
Forum: www.mechstorm.net/fourms

A town, erased from history, forgoten by many, has risen, from the ashes, and has been reborn.

The city is near old Fort Sutch, Lord Drads Estate, and Malacaths Shrine. In addtion, to start the quests, go to the imperial palace distict and talk to the people there.

This mod includes, in this version, 8 working quests.
the town itself includes:
A Pub
Fighters Giuld
Mages Giuld
Knight of the Lamp Tower.
chaple to kynerath
Great Stone Keep (custom)
Civilian houseing

The Docks Include:
2 light houses
1 smithy
3 residentail houses
a house boat
lastly, a trader ship.

there is a secret "quest" to colect 5 sacred relics scared around county kvatch.

This archive is distributed in what LHammonds calls OMOD-Ready format.
It allows you to manually extract and install like most other mods but it also
allows you to use Oblivion Mod Manager and import this archive with all the
settings pre-configured for an OMOD file.
Pick which method you are going to use for installation:

Manual Installation
- = or = -
OBMM Installation

Manual Install
1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data
folder. You can ignore or delete the "omod conversion data" folder.
2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s).

Manual Uninstall
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.

???If you've released multiple versions, let players know how to go from
one version to the next and what to expect.

Example #1 (affects savegames):
1. Before upgrading, remove all items from Sutch Interoirs.
2. leave sutch.
3. Save your game.
4. Uninstall old version.
5. Install new version.
6. Start Oblivion and re-purchase the items.

note: if u have downloaded version 6.0 or later, you only need the new esp.


1) only known mod at this time is UL Lost Coast.
2) i belive there is a minor issue with the bloodline quest, tomb of the warrior, which can be fixed by loading sutch before that mod. (the ground will look odd, but u can still access the tomb.)

Known Issues or Bugs
There is an lod issue with this mod, in the centter of town, if u are coming (walking) from lord drads estate, you will seee lod cover up all but the top of the castle, as u get closer it gose away and relives the realy ground, i do NOT know how to fix this, if someone dose, thank you. smae gose for the other way, wen coming from behind the castle.

6.3 Quest fixes, bug fixes, and other fixes,
6.2-First set of bug fixing, (ai related) added the secret quest
6.0 finshed ai, finshed all of the quest (total of 8), all ai, and merchants done. (this is the last core content realse, the rest are bug fixes, and side quests)
5.8 added new town meshes, and some ai
5.6, added rest of the quest
5.3, 2008/5/11 - intended to release the 3 optonal quest.
5.1, 2008/5/7 - intended to release quest six, and seven.
4.9, 2008/5/5 - intended to release quest four, and five.
4.5, 2008/4/27 - added the first three quest.
1.7, unkown - Initial release by first moder.

You can find me on mechstorm forums as 'biulding3015'
You can find me on TESNexus as 'biulding3015'

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to TESNexus.com for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to Dragon Captions, for creating this mod(this version)
Thanks to ADCK, for starting this mod, and all the unique meshes and textures
Thanks to jfunderb, for adding structure to sutch, along with additonal AI
Thanks to Aeven for the new biulding retextures

Tools Used
TES Construction Set - http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like
to know what mods are including my work.

Side Note

i would recomend not to do malacaths deadric shrine quest, jsut becuse sutch is wedged between lord drads esate, and the shrine.

there are no issues with this quest(tested it myself) its just odd seing orgers near a city like that...

but do as u like :)

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Wow. Looks great!

I love the banners, and the guard's cuirasses.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:28 pm


credit gose to adck, and jfunerb for those :)

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

what are the rules for bumping, and other stuff on this forum....

on my team forum, there is only 10 theards, so we dont have to worry bout that.....

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:31 am

I wonder why this would need bumping.
"Sutch" a fine mod, adding positivelly to both the lore and game visual side :)
Thank you.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm

Thanks for sharing and the linky, will add this to the list ! ! ! ! !
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:40 am

wow, well thanks then buddah :)

and i guess, this just fell a few pages, and im new here, and didnt want to do soemthing wrong...
thats y i asked bout the bumps....

if anyone has any questions, or bug reports if they look through it, let me know

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:59 pm

any coments?

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

I am looking forward to the final version Vacuity Vorians can begin to work on a patch for Unique Landscapes Beaches of Cyrodiil.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:47 am

man, so much competition, but you have been working on it longer and it is looking good :goodjob:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

I am looking forward to the final version so Vacuity can begin to work on a patch for Unique Landscapes Beaches of Cyrodiil.

So who can begin to work on a patch for Unique Landscapes Beaches of Cyrodiil?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:26 pm

thanks for the suport :D will begin work on testing, and ironing out bugs in 6.5

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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 am

intersing to say that da mage... saw ur comments on adcks old threads :P


looking foward in version 6.6 (way futuer)
quest for the history of stuch storyline... this includes rodrick, old man sutch, and the fall of the old town.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:04 pm

version 6.5 test have gone poorly, so version 6.6 is being constrcued to resolve those issues
found so far:
Codwell, and nathans ai's are messing up, resulting in them not going were they are suposed to, and disapering at times.
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sally R
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:09 am

added vip rooms to the tiber septim
added a giant stair case to the docks, so its easyer to get from it to the city

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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:38 am

It;s funny how we get no sutch for over a year and then 3 all at almost the same time :D
Good stuff, good job on it, since you placed it closer to drad's estate, these could all probably run at the same time lol :)
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 am

from the looks of it, they probly all three could, with minor cliping... atleast mine, and TOYB's should be able to, da mages might have issues, sinces its in the middle of the two :P

ive been working since march on this one....

6.6 update

finseh the new jettys for the docks, adding the housing, and warehouses now
once agian, added another floor to the septim hotel, and the stairs to the docks
redid the area near the grave yard, so it fit better

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stevie trent
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:33 am

from the looks of it, they probly all three could, with minor cliping... atleast mine, and TOYB's should be able to, da mages might have issues, sinces its in the middle of the two :P

ive been working since march on this one....

6.6 update

finseh the new jettys for the docks, adding the housing, and warehouses now
once agian, added another floor to the septim hotel, and the stairs to the docks
redid the area near the grave yard, so it fit better


Just think how amazing that would be if all three could be used together! Sutch becomes a large, sprawling town, largest in Cyrodiil except for the Imperial City.

Let me know when you've made the finishing touches to the docks so that I can look into making a patch for UL Lost Coast.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 am

So who can begin to work on a patch for Unique Landscapes Beaches of Cyrodiil?

ooops, sorry, Vorians... I will edit my post.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:45 pm

i just re4did the ENTIER docks.... the new section you could biuld with a quest was..., ok... but i didnt realy like it...

now there is a reason to restore the docks! a full sized port, rival of anvil
sutch used to have a small port before it fell, but now... they realse the need for fishing, and water trade.

so a bigger dock has been biult

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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:16 am

fixed all the path grids for the docks
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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:55 am

began work on the inteirors of the docks, expect to have the inteirors done by the ned of the night (ie its midnight here)

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loste juliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 am

what, realy? no questions or comits about it, no test reprots?

just wodnering... 2 days without any replies, by anyone but me that is...

meh, still working

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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 am

what, realy? no questions or comits about it, no test reprots?

just wodnering... 2 days without any replies, by anyone but me that is...

meh, still working


I know how you feel, I get the same with my OBC thread :) I haven't downloaded yet, and won't until you say you've uploaded a version where the docks won't be changed again, so have nothing to comment on yet.
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Anthony Santillan
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