Haven't seen a thread on this yet so I've decided to start one. As we should all know by now the Sole Survivor is the upcoming player character of Fallout 4. I've seen speculations ranging from his or her (for the sake of simplicity I'll be referring to the male SS as of now) backstory and history prior to the nukes dropping to the types of relationships the Sole Survivor can have with non-player characters. It's also been discussed that this will be the first time in the Fallout series where the player will be able to build their own settlement. But what I haven't seen discussed or even speculated is the effect the Sole Survivor will have on the Fallout universe.
In my opinion, he should be considered by all the powers that be and factions associated to be the single most dangerous person to their pursuit of influence and superiority. For all intents and purposes he maybe your average Joe, depending on how you build his S.P.E.C.I.A.L., but the fact remains that he is literally a living piece of the "Old Word" in the present time. Even the most mundane knowledge that he takes for granted can stem the tide in various endeavors and for that reason alone he will be on a lot of people's most wanted list. Not only that, but he could also be the beginning of true progress for the Wasteland depending on how the Main Quest plays out.
So what do you think the Sole Survivor will accomplish and how will he be regarded by the different factions, tribes, and nations of the Wasteland? Will he be viewed as messianic figure heralding the return of best of the times before October 3, 2077? Or will he be considered a menace or terrorist for further destabilizing an already chaotic Wasteland? Perhaps both?