Well, the most obvious connection is with Remembrance Day / Armistice Day. I'm guessing that this isn't a strong association in the US, judging by the reactions here. I'm somewhat unsettled by it though. This is the day in which a large part of Europe & the Commonwealth countries observes a minute (or 2) of silence, at 11 am to remember the dead of WW1. It seems a tad ... insensitive? ... to release on that day.
Someone else brought this up too. I really wouldn't worry about that at all - it's not going to change anything. People will still buy poppies, donate to other charities, and observe the silence. Then they will go on with their day, just like everyone else - except now the rest of the day will consist of playing TES:V

I could maybe understand it being insensitive if this was a particularly gory or somehow irreverent war sim, but it's not.
And I'm with most of the other commentators - it's just a cool, easily remembered date.