I need some help, I'm doing an assignment due tomorrow and I have to find 2 quotes/extracts/pieces of the book that exemplify something about the book (characters, style, theme, language) I know, it feels rude asking others to help me with an assignment like this but I really need help now because I dont have much time, I've read the book ofcourse but I only need help finding some quotes now or pieces of the text that well, does what I said

I would prefer something that exemplify something about the author, the language, I know he writes in a kind of refined way, messes with syntax and normal sentance structure, PLEASE help me find a piece that really exemplify that. but any good quote with a good reason is fine.
No I'm not asking you to do my whole assignment I'm just looking for some help with this particular part, and I would love you forever if you helped me. Please, if you find/know some part of the book, please write the quote/piece from the book, page number and a small motivation (why and what it exemplifies).
I appreciate any help!