That's really, really sad. Still, I find myself looking forward the next one, it's not bad but those things I mentioned just made me a little pissed off. I must have missed that part about Titus Mede, perhaps I should read the novel again. XD
And more info about what happened to the mages guild would be nice

I got out the novel to check on a few things, and I've found a few interesting passages. By the way, an agent in the book notes that one of "Count Caro's daughters has been poisoning his guests, again." (p. 26). To me, this means Alessia Caro's granddaughters inherited her treacherous ways.
Anyway, the Mage's Guild has been replaced by a religious guild and a secular one. When Annaig mentions that a Synod mage has (re)discovered levitation, a Redguard mage tells her "And maybe if there was a Synod conclave within four hundred miles of here, you might have a chance of learning that, after a few years paying their dues." Keyes goes on to say the building in Lilmoth
"had once been the local Mages' Guild hall, and there were still three or four doddering practitioners . . . . Hecua honored their memberships, even though there was no such organization as the Mages' Guild anymore. . . .[N}either the College of Whispers nor the Synod -- the two Imperially recognized institutions of magic -- had representatives in Lilmoth".
So the Mages' Guild didn't survive for long, following the Oblivion Crisis, judging by the age of the former guild-members.
As to what Umbriel is doing with souls, Annaig is told by an Umbriel resident "Look, something beneath us dies. The soul-spinners nick the soul with their lines, and then the larvae fly down and get all snug in the bodies -- which then harvest more souls." "Most go to the ingenium, which keeps Umbriel aloft and moving. Some go to the vehrumasas [alchemical kitchens]."
On page 108: "Titus Mede had been -- and was -- many things. A soldier in an outlaw army, a warlord in Colovia, a king in Cyrodiil, and Emperor." This may not be the same as starting out a bandit; I wonder if Titus was former Legion.
Titus notes "I took this city [the IC] with under a thousand men. I routed Eddar Olin's northward thrust with barely twice that, and I hammered this empire back together with a handful of rivets." (p. 109) Mede's empire is smaller, of course; he doesn't have Black Marsh, and the Thalmor faction of Altmer have Valenwood.
There's an interesting sentence on p. 154: "Their [the Thalmor] harassment of refugees from the Summerset Isles and Valenwood also fits their broader pattern . . . ." My question is, are they refugees from the Thalmor or from another reason?