This thread is not to debate the merits or problems of Fallout New Vegas.
What I'm interested in is whether that game, developed by Obsidian, has influenced what we'll see in F4.
(New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game.)
This thread is not to debate the merits or problems of Fallout New Vegas.
What I'm interested in is whether that game, developed by Obsidian, has influenced what we'll see in F4.
(New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game.)
Hopefully, Bethesda will have listened to what people praised about New Vegas and combine them with what was praised about Fallout 3 and combine them
i can see that they took at least some inspiration from it, and the mods that were created for it and fallout 3.
Well they added iron sights, weapon mods, and polished the gameplay so I'd say that New Vegas gave them a push, yes.
According to the Amazon description they also added a faction system too.
For some reason they seem to not like mentioning New Vegas, like they have too much pride or something to acknowledge it. Maybe they will when they release more information, but I'd love to hear that their approach to storytelling was influenced by Obsidian's mad skills.
It seems like the greater emphasis on crafting has ported over. It was fun to mod weapons; I hope there are ammo benches in F4, too.
Fingers crossed that the plot has more branches.
I think the fact that fans seemed to respond more positively to New Vegas than 3 fed the fire of competition that Bethesda feels toward Obsidian. Could be wrong though.
It might have also made them realize they could have done better with 3.
It does feel like New Vegas had a better response from fans, but not anymore. There was a time, around when New Vegas was released, when it seemed like those who preferred Fallout 3 were outnumbered. Forums are never a great gauge though. The fact of the matter is that it's the latest game in the series, and they should be talking about both Fallout 3 and New Vegas pretty equally when talking about Fallout 4, regardless of who made it. Some people don't even get that it wasn't Bethesda who made it.
In terms of gameplay mechanics, I would say most definitely yes. We have already seen a number of details that clearly have their roots in New Vegas. This is actually a very good thing, because it shows that the devs are forward thinking, and not afraid of embracing and utilising proven ideas.
In terms of story, I'm not so sure. The reason I say this is due to the fact that everything we have seen so far, including the BoS elements, could quite easily have originated from the East Coast. And so there would not really be any obvious reason why they would have to include elements from New Vegas. But this doesn't mean we won't be seeing the Mojave's influence in the Commonwealth, only that any elements included would likely be for specific gameplay reasons rather than 'cameo' appearances. And this would obviously involve in-depth consultation with Obsidian to keep things in line with whatever they're planning for NV2.
I, like many others, would love a hardcoe mode. I'm sure that will be the first thing modded in if it is not included in the vanilla release. And the more nuanced companion command system was nice as well.
I'm not the biggest fan of NV overall, but I really liked those two innovations.
It does seem that they have taken notice of NV ability to Mod weapons and that many of us enjoy the enchanced crafting in NV at least in the ability to massively mod a weapon in Fallout 4....we wont really know what else has influenced Fallout 4 without some more info.
Mods for 3 and NV also seem to have influenced them with the settlements.
Unlikely. It seems that they got some ideas from Rage (improved gunplay), but not FNV.
Well, it was made by a different company, so this is not really surprising.
Both respective companies are part of Zenimax, who also own BGS.
I personally don't want the events of New Vegas to affect Fallout 4. It wouldn't be appropriate. I just want the story to up to par with the stories in New Vegas in terms of depth, choices, and consequences.
It was a company they gave a friendly offer to make a Fallout game to, and it was a significant game in the series. Whether they made it or not, it's odd not to mention it if it did influence their design, which it should have.
I was thinking of perhaps one or two 'subtle' references, if both teams felt it appropriate. One of these could be the mention of a certain Mr House, who I believe funded the construction of whatever facility the Institute built beneath the main building of MIT.
I have to say, I'm quite surprised myself that they haven't mentioned this.
Vegas is so far away from Boston it might as well be a different country. I doubt we'll hear about it.
And besides, if it's truly set 200 years exactly after the bombs, then Fallout 4 happens before the events of New Vegas.
I have a pre-war can of worms here that I dare not open regarding the 200 years lol!
Yeah, that's what I thought. I didn't expect any actual story crossovers outside of perhaps a merchant mentioning the NCR or Legion.
That sounds about right, because it sort of just mentions House's place in canon. At the most, something akin to ED-E in New Vegas to tie them together would be fine, but I just don't know what that would be.
Doesn't the weapon mod system we have seen so far kind of confirm this? It appears to be deeper and certainly better visually represented but many of the mods seem of a similar scope.
I think a better conversation would be about how PLAYER MODS have influenced Fallout 4.
Does this remind anyone of anything we are seeing in Fallout 4? :
I'm hoping New Vegas inspired Bethesda to take better care with dialogue, storytelling, and all of that jazz. If Beth could harness some of what made New Vegas so special, then they'd have a helluva game on their hands.