» Thu May 19, 2011 2:18 am
Evening all,
In light of mounting "logistical problems" (read my previous posts) coupled with the fact that -to be honest- I have so little motivation to MOD on an "epic scale" as is necessary for the original plan for The Instigator, I find that I have come to a dillema, and seek your opinions on a possible solution.
The fact of the matter is that The Instigator was originally going to be an adaptation of one of my novels (I would say my "magnum opus" thus far, but for the fact that I wrote it a long time ago, and am not a huge fan of my old writing style) modified to suit the Oblivion setting, and with a few changes which I felt slotted the entire thing together quite nicely.
The problem is, as identified, the scale of what is necessary, coupled with the secondary help I need to complete the task as is. Furthermore, as Arilita and I are no longer working on MODs together (as a result of a mutual agreement) I don't have the usual support of someone picking up my slack (so to speak.)
In reality, I either doubt the completion of it, or cannot put a clock to when it will actually be completed. That is to say: "don't hold your breath" on it's completion in it's original format.
Thus, the question is founded in the fact that there are too possibilities:
1) Continue the MOD as is... Yes, it is epic and -in my opinion- beyond anything else ever seen in the gaming world. BUT if it is never finished, what is the point. Regardless, soldiering on is indeed a possibility.
2) Amend the nature of the MOD to reflect an alternate idea I was toying with before deciding on The Instigator as my next project. The changes to the project as it stands wouldn't be massive, and it wouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to achieve the desired conclusion (maybe a month or so.) Furthermore (and this is both a positive and a negative) it would involve the merging of my other MODs (into what I originally called "The Fiend Saga") for the purpose of facilitating a relevant concurrent storyline (though NOT for the reasons ANY of you are thinking...) The concern is that this won't make the impact the original format of the MOD might have, and furthermore the complexity (from a PLAYER point of view) gets quite difficult to understand for "the average joe" in this format. BUT regardless, it IS unique.
So, being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, I'd like any feedback (on here, via PM, via MSN or AIM or e-mail or whatever) regarding your suggestions on this.
Kind regards,
-Paul Simyaz Thomson