So I recently started a new play-through of FO3 and I just completed The Replicated Man again (the biggest link between FO3 and 4 obviously). Anyways, I just realized how much interesting information from that quest alone was never fully revealed, not even in a DLC for FO3 which would have been a very convenient and expected way to reveal more about the Commonwealth area. I remember my first time playing through this quest I thought the Commonwealth was an area in the capital wasteland I had to find; wasted my time exploring the north just looking for it. I mean c'mon, they had the whole background set up in that Replicated Man quest: the Railroad faction, the Institute with its super-advanced android technology that even amazed Pinkerton (who imo was the smartest scientist in the whole capital wasteland). Everything about that quest intrigued me, even finding out that Zimmer was an android himself! Just can't wait to find out all the mysteries of the Commonwealth in FO4!!!