I'm trying to get a grip on the history of the Institute. Father tells you it basically started in the basemant of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology just after the bombs fell. The scientist and their families must have took refuge their. He claims it was distrust with the people of the Commonwealth why they are isolated and a provisional government failed. He hints The Institute(proper)has only existed for 100 years.
According to one of the loading screen statements, the super mutants in Boston are a result of the Institute. In 2180, super mutants attacked Diamond City. In 2224, according to Dr Elliot's holotape, the Instituted needed unexposed, nonmutated DNA for their synthetic organics research involving the FEV..this is what leads to the abduction of Shaun. So they have been working with FEV a very long, over 100 years. In 2277, Dr Zimmer demands a new test, the results show nothing new. Why he orders the test isn't explained. Virgil becomes the lead scientist around a year ago, finds the research pointless and shouldn't continue, destroys the lab and escapes. When you are watching Kellogg's memories, it states Virgil is working on a highly classified project. Anyone know what this is or is it just FEV?
Speculation: I wouldn't be surprised to learn, maybe from a DLC, that the Enclave(before the events of FO3) had some sort of relationship with the Institute. Maybe it went sour. That would explain the FEV in Boston and advanced power armor around the city. You would have to assume there was Enclave personnel at Raven Rock before the fall of the Oil Rig and Raven Rock had always been an Enclave installation.
Gen 1 and gen 2s have been around a long time. Only a year or so after the abduction of Shaun, the Broken Mask incident occurs. A man named Mr. Cater arrives in Diamond City and after gaining their trust goes crazy and kills a few residents. Cater is killed, found to be a synth. So gen 3s been around for a while but the mass production you see in Robotics I think is recent.
Anything else you guys can add?