I support your opinion about the interface / menus / inventory, YES, is one of the most beautiful I ever seen, especially the perks system (up) and map (down).
However seems he don't have a intuitive way to compare different features (weight, value, et cetera) of similar objects.
In relation to the HUD I have more douts, especially the letter size and location of the compass.
Everything else seems pretty good. :tes:
Well the items in your inventory can actually be compared as was stated in an interview
But who knows that feature may be gone
One thing we do know is in
Is the ability for your menu to automatically highlight the best item in your inventory
If u have an iron sword and u pick up a steel one
It will pop to the top of your inventory and be highlighted
Also we now have the ability to auto equip from chests and bodies
I.e u kill a bandit, bandit has awesome bow
U can automatically equip it from the loot screen