Then there is nothing wrong with bashing Morrowind's bad aspects or stating Oblivion is the greatest. Yet, this doesn't seem to be the case around here. There might be a couple people on here that "humbly" state their opinions about Morrowind, but most just seem to jump all over anyone that likes Oblivion better.
Yes there is nothing wrong with that either. The case around here points something other than you think. Don't you see where you did wrong. People going into detail about their posts is a good thing. Some people are harsh about Oblivion which I don't share the same harshness, I can't say they are wrong. They can go in detail and they have a point.
The "jumping" one... You're describing yourself, you're the one who said "I don't want to see anything from Morrowind implemented into TES:V." and then Oblivion "garbage".

You're letting your perception to be clouded from the cumulative criticism towards Oblivion. No one is calling anything garbage, young Padawan.

Oblivion's list style inventory was much easier to read & find what I need. Oblivion's fast travel was much better for me, since I don't have 100 hours a week to play the game. By saying that I wouldn't want to see anything from Morrowind in the new TES, that is just my opinion. I'm not stating facts, nor do I claim to be. From what I've seen here, people can have an opinion, as long as that opinion is saying Oblivion is garbage & Morrowind is great.
Oblivion's UI is nice. It is easier to read, artwork is better, but design is for consoles. PC users are searching Morrowind's customize-able window designs. The ability to see map, inventory, spells, stats at once is neat.
I think both platforms deserve their own UIs.Now, that's better. Peace!