((I added some extra links so you can picture Nate more Easily))
Name: Nathan Tesla
Nickname: Nate
Age: 23
Faction: Invisible Faction (Although I prefer the Brotherhood.. But i'll do it for you Francois.

Rank: Corporal
Race: Human, Caucasian. American.
-http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4c/XM8_-_Final_Version.JPG. (Takes 5.56mm rounds)
-4x Nuka-Grenades.
-Two trench knives.
-http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/9066/flannel.jpg, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
-A white t-shirt underneath
-A kevlar vest beneath his t-shirt
He prefers regular clothing over heavy armor, to grant him better mobility.
-Facial Features: Clear face, and clean shaven.
-Hair: Dark brown, thin, straight messy hair, with the length grown to about half way down his neck, and his bangs coming to a fringe above his right eye.
-Eyes: Very light blue eyes, that are almost always concealed by his aviators.
-Height: About 6'1"
Medical Items:
-12x Stimpaks
-5x Rad-Away
-4x Rad-x
Misc Items:
-3x Boxes of Dandy Boy Apples
-2x Salisbury steak
-5x Bottles of Purified water
-A lucky 8 ball
Personality: Nate almost always has a smirk on his face, and beneath his sunglasses his eyes are always wide open. He's outgoing and makes friends quick. He jokes around alot, and is addicted to killing, which can cause him to go kill-crazy.
Bio: Nate is a descendant of Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the Tesla Coil, the Alternating current system, and much more. But Nate was not raised to benefit the world in any technological way, Nate was raised to Kill. His father was a member of the Enclave, and was constantly pushing him to his physical limit.
When Nate's father wasn't around, Nate was the man of the family, even if he was 10 years old when his father joined the Enclave. Nate killed his first raider at 12, and his first super mutant at 14. You would think that Nate would get sick of fighting and want to stop because of how long he was forced to do it, but he loved it, and was practically addicted to taking lives.
He joined the Invisible faction at 19, and was quickly promoted to Corporal for his stunning skills in the field. He's extremely accurate and efficient with his carbine, and never lets it out of his sight.