Just as George heard Nate yell, a blast from a nearby grenade knocked him out. Fortunately, he waan't killed while knocked out. He began to get back up when three Brotherhood of Steel soldiers approached him.
"Rejoice my brothers, for I am your salvation!". George aimed "The Light" at one of the soldiers, and spoke again.
"You shall recieve the light from the almighty one!". George fired the pistol which released three shots of plasma, and penetrated through the mans power armor, and melted his vital organs, killing him.
The other two began to curse, and fired shots at George. His thoughts turned into instinct, as he believed his body was under control by a spirit. George ran and dodged the shots from the mens assault rifles, and pulled out "The Voice", activating the ripper.
"I am your savior! I shall free you from your miserable lives!". George took a swing at the men with the ripper, causing the soldiers lose their limbs, as George slowly but painfully killed the two men.
((Don't want to get to graphic. Think of the next part as a continuation from the fade to black. Something like that.

Following the killing, George saw some fellow squadmates nearby a building. He approached the building and saw Nate, Ryan, and Ashley all wounded, with Ryan appearing to suffered the most. Upon entering, George was covered in blood, with some dripping from his clothes. He carried the head of one of the soldiers, hanging onto it for a trophy.
"What the hell happened to you guys?"