I hopped down from the century tower and moved towards the the door that led inside. It was a sad sight, I decided to stop and help clean up. The infirmary was going to be full as we had a few injuries. I walked out the front gate and up to a soldier lying on the ground. He was wearing power armor with a power helmet, so I assumed he was a knight. I bent down and took off his helmet to see if he was dead. As I lifted his helmet off blood pored out. On closer inspection a bullet had by-passed the armor hitting him in the neck. He was definitely dead. I closed his eyes and hoisted him over my shoulder. On my walk back I found a dead initiate, he had died from a wound to the chest. I managed to pick him up as well, I hoisted them both over my shoulders and walked back to the citadel.
Once there the other Brothers and I lined up the dead against one of the walls. We would then go and find more Brotherhood soldiers and bring them back in. We managed to gather all the bodies we could find. I left the others to tally the casualties, gather the bodies of the opposing army, gather their casualty count, file the report and ask the Elder what we should do with the enemy bodies. We would also have to find a way to block the wall up. I walked inside and went straight to the infirmary. Owyn was standing next to Sarah's bed, I walked up and began to talk.
"How is she?"
"Stable for now, it's a 50/50 chance she'll wake up." Owyn replied, his voice was filled with pain and sorrow.
I didn't say anything I just stood there and looked at her. We both just stood there, silently, watching her sleep.
"I'm sorry Owyn." I managed to mutter.
"For what Andy?" He replied without taking his eyes off her.
"In the midst of battle, there was a sniper aiming at me, I managed to fire first. He stuffed up the shot but the gun still went off and.... and..." I fought to hold back the emotion. "And the bullet hit her, I'm sorry Owyn, it's my fault she's in here."
Owyn was silent for a moment, I heard him take a deep breath in and out. "It's not your fault Andy, I fear that it is some what mine. I wanted to hold her back in the courtyard of the citadel, just to make sure she was safe. My judgment has become clouded with emotion over the years, I fear I'm not cut out for this rank like I used to be."
I sighed. "It is foolish for us to think this way, the Brotherhood is in it's greatest hour of need. We need to be strong, for everyone."
The Elder nodded. "You are all too right. Come let us find the report of what happened here."
We walked out of the infirmary and down towards the main room of the citadel. People were running up and down like mad men. Elder Lyons walked up to Rothchild.
"I need a status report Rothchild. How did we fair in the battle?"
"The report is now standing at 31 Brotherhood dead and 103 from this unknown army. Most of our casualties are from the back of the citadel, 20 were found there and 11 were out the front. We found no further evidence on these men to indicate where they are from or who they work for. We've also gathered battle reports which suggest that the main force that attacked from the front were just grunts. They weren't highly trained or well equipped, they just served as a distraction. The people who attacked us from behind were well trained and better equipped. We don't know how they managed to set a charge without us noticing." Rothchild told Elder Lyons.
"What are we going to do about this wall, Rothchild?"
"Well our outpost at Fort Bannister have offered up a few of their turrets and the other outposts have offered a few additional men. The outposts have seen no suspicious activity which is why they offered troops. We could use the crane to help move bit of rubble and rebuild it but I don't think it will be as strong as it used to be."
"Take those turrets from Fort Bannister but I don't want any men leaving their outposts, we don't know when the will strike next or how hard they will strike. Every outpost is going to need every man it has. Use the crane and men to help rebuild the wall. Andy, assemble your team, I need you to go on a reconnaissance mission. I need you to sweep the area, those men had to come from somewhere, I need you and your men to find out where that is." Lyons was back to himself and making orders.
"Yes, Elder" I replied.
I made a quick announcement over the speaker. "Could the Brotherhood members of my team meet me in the courtyard? We have a mission."
I quickly darted up to the courtyard and waited for my team to arrive.