((OOC: Enclave, just so no one gets confused, Francois' character is Captain Harris, you said Captain William.))
Nate stood from his seat with his bag.
"If you'll excuse for a second I forgot something." Nate said, forgetting that he had yet to put on his Kevlar vest.
Nate stepped over to the door, opened it up, and walked to his room. He turned the knob of the door, and pushed it open, closing it behind him. Setting his bag down on his bunk, he sat next to it and unzippered it, pulling out his bulletproof vest. He unbuttoned his overshirt, and laid it on the bed, then unstrapping his vest, and strapping it back on over his t-shirt. The bed springs creaked as Nate stood up, picking his flannel overshirt up off the bed and putting it on, not bothering to button it back up. Nate picked his bag back up and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, as he walked out the door, and shut it behind him.
As Nate walked down the gloomy halls, he looked to his right and noticed a group of recruits duking out on the floor. Nate dropped his bag by the door way, and lifted his aviators off his eyes, letting his hand fall to his side.
"Knock it off!" Nate shouted, giving them a stern look.
They slowly got up off the ground, seeing Nate looking at them. Nate was only a Corporal, and they were just a bunch of disrespectful recruits, who could care less about anything that Nate said.
"Ooh what are you gonna' do tough guy? Tell the Captain on us?" One of them remarked, the rest started laughing.
Although Nate was much taller then all of them, he was slender, and not very intimidating, unless you saw him on the battlefield, so even though they were recruits, most of them were more built then Nate was. But that didn't bother Nate at all.
"No, I have something much more fun planned for you maggots." Nate said, stepping towards them.
One of them began to laugh, followed by the rest of them doing the same. Their "ring leader", stepped up towards nate, and put his head up next to Nate's ear whispering,
"Do something.."
Immediately, Nate grabbed the recruit by the neck, and swung his fist into the recruits jaw. His head jerked sideways, and his eyes closed, he fell backwards, hitting the cement floor hard. From one blow, he was out cold. The rest of them started to back up, realizing they'd underestimated him, and started to walk away, a walk which shortly became a cowering run.
Nate stepped away from the unconscious recruit and slid his aviators back over his eyes, letting out a grin.
Maybe that was a little to harsh... Nah..
Nate stepped back over to his bag and picked it up, walking out into the halls and making his way back to the captain's office.
Nate shortly arrived at the wooden door of Captain Harris' office, and opened it up. He tossed his bag over onto the chair he was sitting on, and closed the door. The door creaked shut and Nate stepped over to his chair, laying his bag on the floor and sitting down.
"Sorry it took me so long, I had to put a few recruits in order." Nate said with a smirk, as he leaned back into his chair.
Edit: ((Once again, sorry i've putting up such long posts lately..
