I can understand some criticism of features that are not so easy to change right off the bat (some, maybe never). At the top of my head:
- Guild Questlines being too quick, with fast leaps (few quests) towards leadership;
- Voice Acting being the base for the interactions in the game, making it harder to mod it in terms of adding complexity;
- Lack of in-game quest directions to hideouts/dungeons etc., sometimes "forcing" us to rely on artificially precise directions placed directly on the map;
- Lack of depth in some features with huge expectations (i.e., marriage);
- The list could go on.
Regardless of how many things we could point out as "wrong" or "broken", what I find it curious is reading so many experienced players, with years of gaming experience on their belts, complaining about features that they could solve by themselves applying discipline and self-control. Most claims as to Skyrim being dumbed-down, artificial, too easy, boring, repetitive etc. comes from people who like to lump themselves as hardcoe gamers. However, the No 1 feature of any such player is, first and foremost, his own imagination, coupled with independence: following rules even if they're not forced onto you by an outside system. Just look at Dead is Dead gamestyle, it doesn't get more hardcoe than that, and their basic premisse is an imaginary rule that they follow out of sheer self-control.
I don't wanna offend anybody, on the contrary, and I don't have any sort of special credibility/authority to say this, but it saddens me to realise this frame-of-mind is frightenly similar to people that needs laws in RL to behave and be respectful to one another. It's as if saying "If it weren't a crime, I'd bash the head of every mother-trucker that so much as looked at me wrong". This is not only childish, but disgusting.
I read the expressions holding hands and spoon-feeding been used to criticise players that need every little thing been given to them without effort. With all the respect and affection than I'm capable of having for random strangers, some of you just crack me up, because you're exactly like what you're bashing. The only difference is what you want being fed to you, but the attitude is the same.
- Smithing is overpowered? Who the hell is forcing you to spam iron daggers to raise levels? Is it "realistic" to progress from Level 80 to Level 100 spamming rudimentary iron daggers? No, granted, it is not. But you have the power of not doing it. Same goes for using fast travel, enchanting, money, dragons (yeah, playing Master difficulty, but firing arrows from a distance using the "immortality" of Followers as cannon-fodder is very hardcoe... /facepalm), guilds (you join up every single possible faction on the same playthrough - assassin; honorable warriors; mages; thieves and bards - and you wanna call yourself hardcoe RPer...?). The list goes on.
Anyways, this Forum is riddled with ideas from fellow players from all over the world of how to make the game more challenging. Try to use some of those ideas. If you think everybody in a Forum is stupid, while participating on that very same Forum, the only stupid person is you.
Give yourself some credit, you're so much more powerful than you give yourself credit. Apply the criticism you're dishing out - bashing young people mentality - to yourself and you're gonna be surprised.