I think I've seen enough info now on gameplay... much more and it will probably seem redundant or give away too much of the story. (I'd prefer to figure that stuff out on my own).
So, what would really help me get through the remaining days until the release would be these items.
1. Perk poster- preferably interactive via Fallout 4 website. This could help us to do test character builds while we wait.
2. PC requirements list. Not worrying too much here, but there are some things that I think could be important to know a bit in advance. Specifically if it will support the new 34" monitors (3440 x 1440). Those who perhaps want that type of monitor will want enough time to save for one. Not too concerned with graphics card info... but will be good to know what the base req. is for down the road when the mods start adding to the load on the game.
3. Any Additional new gameplay mechanics (if any) revealed (such as previously revealed weapon customization, settlements, etc) with simple explanations of how they work (as done with previous examples).