EVERY skill should have a developer or developers looking at it and thinking "how could this be fun"
a dev should look at unarmed and say "hey; this skill (unarmed) was pretty boring in all the other games we have done, lets make it so that the player can disarm opponents, kick opponents, tackle or throw opponents to the ground so that they can escape or throw those satisfying punches to the head"
then they should look at acrobatics and say "oh, its that skill that makes the player jump higher and fall softer. wait a sec, if we were to base this game on acrobatics on its own it would be VERY boring. lets make it so that the player can climb stuff, or vault stuff. and as their skill increases they could grab ledges, do rolls, slide tackle.and as they get big maybe they could even run a bit on walls or jump from tree to tree!!!! howabout we make some testing maps of rooftop chases and obstacle courses! we should make acrobatics so cool that it if the entire game was a first person platformer we would still make millions. in skyrim we realy should make it as fun to flight as it is to fight! but we should remeber that we have to make this believable and not some crazy backflip crap, as this is going to be implemented with everything else
even simple things like " lets improve alchemy by making the interface realy cool and allow the player to make extremely different explosives would be cool"
bethesda should look at other games and think "OH COOL! they can do THAT. lets put it in this game!!!
to improve magic they should look at games like bioshock 2 and dark messiah and think "it realy makes the player feel good about themselves when they shock lots of enemies in water" or "its funny making the ground slippery by using ice spells on it and watching people slip up" " we should imploy physics into our magic system :thumbsup: as it clearly helps gameplay. perhaps they should look at bioshock and note " its awsome how you can get enemies to attack one another" or " i like it how in bioshock 2 you can charge up plasmids" since people didnt like magic failing in morrowind randomly yet disliked how magic in oblivion was repetitive we could make our spells dynamic by allowing players tp charge their spells up, and failing could involve the player having to charge their magic up to a specific level if the spell is stronger than they are" ideas drawn from other ideas are good.
bethesda should note their failures/success and fix/keep or expand them.
" oh, people liked spears and crossbows and throwing weapons so lets keep them this time"
" people absolutely hated oblivions leveling system,they prefered fallouts, yet they loved morrowinds the most. lets take a more morrowind approach on this"
" people thought that the main story of morrowind was to slow yet thought that oblivions was way too fast, we should go for somewhere in the middle :thumbsup: "
" the vast majority of people preferred dumner with croaky voices and the beast races with strange legs"
" most people hated our faceposing as facegen, they liked it better in fallout yet they still want improvement"
" we should hire more voice actors rather than have 5 or 6 for every race,and we should get good voice actors aswell :cookie: "
" people thought our dungeons all looked the same, we should make more tilesets"
"people seem to want morphable bodies.they cannot understand why every male must have an 8 pack and why no females may have ugly or attractive bodies"
" people have noticed how bad some of our textures are, perhaps we should find sneaky ways to make them look better or conserve space, like applying this texture over everything with its material designated as fur, or perhaps we could make somethings greyscale and use the cs to colour parts of it, as that would enable us to make many textures of one object with only 2 high res ones and one low res texture that defines where to colour"
bethesda should also look at mods
"wow female bodymods are popular, we cant have nudity but perhaps we should make bodies less ugly and maybe we should allow underwear to be removed with a mod"
" the fallout games have lots of mods that replace textures with ones with tattoos, maybe a tattoo system would be good. an overlay system could also allow things like freckles and warts to appear on characters, as well as make different fur patterns on khajits. we could even have overlays that are applied dynamically like wounds,snow,dirt,mud,blood, wetness etc.
"people dont like the way we light our caves or mights, nor do they like how everything had a colour filter on in oblivion and fallout."
" people like the weather on the outside of an interior to affect the inside"
"people want more varied magic and combat, lets do that"
" people want dragons as mounts, while our plot may go against this, i do believe we could make it so that is easy to mod in"