You know, this part of your multifaceted plot - the love between Caius and Nenya - is the one part that rivets my interest (yes, I'm a hopeless romantic - so what!) for it makes both characters more vivid. But Nenya...what are her true feelings for Caius? You have hinted in many places at a tenderness for him on Nenya's part, but - I think - not fleshed it out enough. However, the plot is still unfurling...I suspect there will be a chapter where more will be revealed, and that chapter will fit naturally into the flow of the overall plot as a whole.
Very good writing. Keep it up!
Thanks a million, Foxy! And you know what - I'm a hopeless romantic too. I try to keep it toned down as much as I can, but honestly, sometimes I just can't help it

I actually never meant for Caius and Nenya to get this far. It was always meant to be subtle. But these characters, I swear, they have a will of their own.
The Caius/Nenya plotline was something I didn't expect to go down well (after all, she is half his age and some people might say it's unhealthy). I'm hugely pleasantly surprised to see people reacting so well to it.
Oh my GOD, this story is like a drug! I've been totally hooked for the last 3 days! I've just finished and I'm already feeling withdrawal symptoms. Please tell me there's more on the way! Do you have any other stories I can read? I love your style, everything is so vivid. I haven't felt like I was truly transported into a book in forever. Please, please, PLEASE keep up the awesome work!
:lol: Praise indeed! Thanks so much for your kind words. Yep, there is much more - nearly 30,000 words more at the moment! It's mostly the ending, though. The middle is the bit I have trouble with.
I don't actually have any other Elder Scrolls stories, although maybe one day I'll start something new. I feel like it's a miracle I'm actually getting on well with this one... it's been struggling out into the world for nearly six years now. Oh my god, my life

10 days after I get the heads up from you, im reading it. Im so great at remembering things.
Looks like Nenya and Bomba are on to something! The only problem is they're too far away from giving Morgiah their intel!
The flash back at the end was probably one of the most power pieces i've read from you. The amount of imagery; the way you described Nenya's composition and Caius' state was being portrayed in my mind like I was watching a movie. It was incredible...just incredible.
I wonder what "mutual interests" Nenya and Solon were associated with.
Keep em comming!
I svck at remembering things - I should have checked this ages ago. I have a pathological fear of not thanking people

That said - thanks so much for the comments, I'm thrilled you're still enjoying it!
This is well-deserving of a bump.
I haven't been around here very long, so it would be unfair to say "best fan-fic ever", but I can honestly say this is one of the most entertaining things I've read in the past few months. Bravo.
I'm a writer myself, and personally I like to get feedback that goes beyond simply "Awesome!" or "Terrible!" so I'm cruising through it again to see if I can find some specific notes...
Okay. Love your version of King of Worms. I always pictured KoW and Scourg Barrow as less "king" and more "worms", so I was pleasantly surprised you went in kind of a royal court direction with it. It adds new layers to the character that I quite like.
The scene with Caius and corpus-Nenya is absolutely beautiful. I love that you show the physical effects of corpus (I was always bummed that my paper doll in Morrowind didn't start growing face tentacles.) You have a real knack, with lines like "A nightmare tumbled into the house." of saying a lot with very little. My own style is anything but concise, so I am definitely envious of your ability to do so much so quickly. If I had any criticism, in fact, it would be that some scenes might go by a little TOO quickly. It's wonderfully written, and I'm never left confused about what's going on, but you write characters so well I would love to see them breathe a little more. (Then again, this might just be a consequence of the choppy nature of reading something on a forum.) Again, it's not really a criticism, I just want more
One of the best tests when writing fictional characters is to imagine any two of them stuck alone in a room together and see if a situation immediately forms in your mind. If you immediately know what each one would be doing, you've got great characters. This passes that test with flying colors. Each and every character feels like a real person, with real motivations and a real personality. I've been fortunate/unfortunate enough to take a lot of writing classes, and these days it seems like teachers are all about story springing from form and structure instead of character. I've always felt that if you have your characters, you have your story, and your writing here is amazing proof of that. My favorite relationship is probably that of Caius and Nenya. I always got the feeling in MW that Caius didn't like me very much, and so to see how much you have him care about Nenya is a lovely idea. You have an incredible knack for turning all these characters, who were somewhat one-dimensional in the games, into fully realized people
Okay, well, that went long. Two more nitpicks before I go (don't hate me). In chapter one, you say Helseth is glad Barenziah isn't "back in wayrest with his own hated half-sister"--Elysana is his step sister, yes? And in chapter 17, you mention "King Lysander" of Daggerfall--it's King
Lysandus, but the name Lysander is splendid as well

Short version: It's been an absolute privilege to read this. Greg Keyes has nothing on you. Can't wait for more.
Ok, wow. This is some serious concrit. I honestly can't thank you enough for your generosity of time in writing this.
Yep, I was looking forward to my character getting all blotchy and zombielike too - I suppose you could say that the PC didn't actually have Corprus long enough to manifest symptoms, but it's still a shame. I did like how everyone acted like they would rather eat their own heads than be in the same room as you, though. That was pretty cool :hehe: It's the small things that matter!
I'm interested that you thought some bits were too fast, because I actually think I tend to waffle on for far too long and need to par my writing down a bit! It's good sometimes to get a different perspective. Obviously in this case, paring down is not what I actually needed at all! I admit it gets more actiony towards the end, but since you've said, I'll give myself freer reign when rambling on with characters ^_^ And by the way, I completely agree about character-driven fiction. It's what interests me as a reader, so that's how I write. I love a good twisty plot, but if I'm reading good characters, I find I can forgive even the dullest of storylines.
As for your nitpicks - thanks a million! I'm always making slipups. I will go back and change them straight away

Once again, I can't thank you enough for your extremely kind words. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I've been enjoying writing it!