I know this is a serious, climatic character resolution scene and it tugged at my heart-strings by the end, but the mental image of Vivec running around like an insane god-child with a giant remote control gleefully destroying Helseth's toy almost made me fall over! Totally stole the show, lol! Great read, Rumples, I bet Helseth is gonna be pissed!

This summary account left me in stitches!
@ Rumple - Eadwyrd will finally be with Gwynabyth once again...will you do a scene where they reunite? (Or was him saying it was done for her it?) But what happened to Yagrum Bagarn? Poor guy, he is always a day late and a Septim short...or is it "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride?" I am sure one of them applies. It is not like one could make him a romantic lead after all...unless...lol. Just kidding.
It was so good to hear about your Birthday/Wedding/Honeymoon/Move finally, and I am so glad all went well. I'm still not back enough to write a poem to commemorate the occasions...well that is to say my poems usually svck anyway, but now it would be worse.
The two bureaus stood side by side,
and next to them two dressers.
Of different molding and design,
yet intimately connected
by the two as they joined their hands and hearts
bonding all their possessions into one home
The marriage was not just a uniting of love
but the history of each life joined together under one roof
the furnishings of two becoming one, sharing their spaces
to make room for the other
The forks entwined with those of the spouse
mating within the tray of silver
becoming a unit just as the couple
whose love brought them together
(You'll never look at your forks the same, will you? Lol.)
You are beloved Rumple! Congrats! <333 - Cindy
The things that happen in this chapter are the biggest reasons why this story is Alternate Reality, and has been ever since Oblivion came out. I originally intended to finish it before Oblivion's release, so it wouldn't have mattered if I was accurate or not, but... well, you can't be right all the time!
A...dragon break?
Addendum: Powerful scene between Morgiah and Helseth, that was huge...breathtaking! Barenziah coming in...Awesome finish! ...er...was it the Mantella that Morgiah found at the end? What will she do with it? It can't be the end if she has that in her hands! ARGH!