Just got out of a match where everyone on the other team was using armor enhance. Very annoying...... I dont have enough bullets in my gun for 1 enemy alone who's sprinting away like a tank on steroids. I want to create a armor enhance class but I forgot what the other perks they were using was does anyone have any advice for what other options go good in an armor enhance class.
Anyway I was wondering if the Kvolt (because it primarilly damages suit energy) does better against armor enhance than other weapons do?
Armor enhance is a beast with the MK60, the stealth perk is really up to your preference, you can use blind spot or stealth enhance or something, and the power perk depends on the weapon, if you are using the MK60 I'd suggest using aim enhance or point-fire enhance. Any other weapon, try weapon pro or something.
The Kvolt is indeed better against enemies using armor enhance, the Kvolt drains 20 energy, no matter what, with every hit. After the shield is drained, it's back to normal and kills in the same amount of time. So the Kvolt is better than almost every weapon against armored enemies.