I'm sure that a lot of this sort of thing will be added to the game in coming years. Housing has been frequently requested and I can easily see something like that being added.
Not so sure about horse breeding, though!
I agree for the most part. I think more of these games should strive to provide trivial activities. A lot of what you described; while I haven't experience them myself in Star Wars Galaxies, I have experience in some form or another in other games, and I feel them to be the bread and butter of any game that hopes to achieve longevity. That being said, perhaps we're part of a niche market that's overlooked by most modern developers?
I guess the real questions are these; do these features fit within the confines of this world? Do they take long to implement, and would the developers time be better spent elsewhere? For me at least, there's really no contest; I think these features both fit within the game world and would be worth the time investment of the developers; especially when it comes to things like player housing.
You have my stamp of approval, for what it's worth.
Tavern games, hunting logs, festivals, guild missions, housing (in that order) - yes please
I also feel it's an "old-school mmo gamer" thing. I so often here people say...Why would you want housing, it's just a boring little vanity thing. But maybe it's because they did not experience it in it's prime (UO, SWG and at some point EQ2).
But housing is just one of the many options for the devs. We all saw the little frog race in ESO (though bugged at the time). and well...small things like that around the world would help. And i know that market shops and stalls would be a dream come true for all the Crafting lovers out there.
I they want to pull together players to form a community they need to make players a necessity for each other. in swg in was done via buffs (doctors, dancers, engineers ect.). Or via special crafts. The best crafters were popular for their great weapons ect. and architects for their beautiful housing objects... the list goes on.
That is I suppose result of who was opinion source on PTS server - they invited hardcoe MMO players and at first tried to listen to their wishes. The side content was for sure not on the list.
I also would like to see many vanity or 1% improvements.
The could be:
- making poisons from critters and similar
- making dyes from butterfiles and similar
- housing decorations - tons of possibilities
- pet care - not vanity pets, but something real
- necromancy to build own zombie
I just could write much more plus what others say is ok, will see if it is added, but I think the major update will include Thieves and Justice, then may be housing.
YES !!.... a good tavern game (drinking games, card games, dice games) love the idea
I know how you feel. It would be good to play, for exampl,e as a travelling merchant, (even getting xp by) achieving profit, selling goods that needed by cities and/or people, wandering on the roads with my caravan, opening a temporary booth here and there, sometimes attacked by bandits or thieves and else.
And a betting system so you could set up bets for who you think will be the last standing !!!...*sigh*
There is an Achievement for collecting various trophies...so perhaps they maybe already planning a few things. I agree somewhat with you all, it would definitely enhance the RP side of things no question.