The LAER HP is too low! It's gotten to a point were I can't even kill 4 Roboscorpions without loosing this gun! Why is it's hp so low? There should be a weapon mod to increase it or something! :sadvaultboy:
Hmmm .... maybe there's a problem with your Energy Weapons skill? My EW skill is 100 and I carry Weapon Repair Kits, and I can tell you that I kill most things with one or two shots with the LAER.
i've found the weapons to be rather weak in terms of damage versus anything in BigMT i typically just used the proton axes. and i wasn't really speced as a melee character.
The LAER HP is too low! It's gotten to a point were I can't even kill 4 Roboscorpions without loosing this gun! Why is it's hp so low? There should be a weapon mod to increase it or something! :sadvaultboy:
With the Prismatic Lens mod Elijah's LAER does 30% more damage that the 65 it hits at normally. The Auxiliary Recharger Clip mod is useful too. At this level it hits somewhat harder than a Holorifle fully modded and much more often. A very nice weapon.
Not really for something that rapid fire. A DPS of almost 180 with an energy weapon is unusual, only the Gatling Laser and the Plasma Caster do more and they are Heavy Weapons.
OK HP ... duh. Sure but I always carry many weapon repair kits.