Our approach would best be the same as Nintendo's. Keep the big important things intact, but layout and geography is an unimportant detail. Nintendo has no canon to their geography, so we don't necessarily need any either.
As far as additional things not exactly in canon, I think it'd be pefectly fine to add them as other non-major details. "Link went to this town to get the Hookshot." Whether it was Kakariko Village, Castle Town, or the city of Townsville is really unimportant. The important thing is that Link got the Hookshot.
So perhaps we should base our cartography on what we'll need for the game, and what will definitely be in it due to canon.
The absolutely necessary locations are Lake Hylia, Hyrule Castle & Town, Kakariko Village, Death Mountain (with the Goron city), Zora's Domain, the Lost Woods, and Gerudo Desert.
(These areas may include additional, smaller areas.)
DJ, what other places or settlements do you require for your story?
I personally don't need to add much, but I do wish to include both Lon Lon Ranch and Ordon Village as part of a larger area of farming land, Snowpeak, and Kokiri Forest just south of the Lost Woods.
Well, again my own idea for the geography is heavily based on the aforementioned fan theory and actually the map I post may include the entire area this time just to better illustrate things. So far a couple of key locations are Mudora's Tower/Observatory which is located roughly where the Lakeside Laboratory should be in OoT. Then there's the "Western Lost Woods" which is a location of historical significance in my time line since it houses the original "Hirule Village" settlement and further in a statue of Ruzantaze Hirule (rooh-zahn-TAH-zay he-ROO-lay) next to the cave system (now caved-in but probably with a little bit of an area for the player to explore) that led the people to what became known as Hyrule. For anyone who's curious I'll be regularly posting articles on the website once I have it up regarding the history I've created.
The only thing that I suppose is a BIT geographically strange is Snowhead/Snowpeak since one would presume that it exists in an arctic region however that does not appear to be the case in my particular location so the only other assumption one might make is that it's either arranged a bit differently than I currently have it worked out or it's at such a high altitude that the climate
becomes arctic.
There there is one temple for each Goddess-they may have somehow "came to ruin" before OoT/TP or are there but not included or not reachable by the player. I'm not sure where these are going to be located yet as I'm still working things out geographically. I kinda like the map that's been posted but again I think a lot of things need to be reworked on it. Again, I believe the area known as "Old Hyrule" on the map is actually the exact same place as ACTUAL Hyurle in OoT/TP/ALttP/Etc. and even if it isn't it wouldn't be "Old Hyrule" since it's generally accepted that Loz and AoL come after all the other games in terms of the time line. It could work as the area the Hylians migrated from but overall I still don't really like the idea of including it because as I said I really like that map theory and think it is the correct approach to go with.
Also, reading the description of the map, it's quite obvious that the author did not discover the article I mentioned, which actually does a pretty nice job at explaining the descrepencies between the maps of ALttP and OoT. Basically, the idea is that ALttP is not laid out in such a way that north is up, south is down, left is west and right is east-the same can also be said of the map from LoZ. When you rotate the ALttP map at a certain angle, most of the key Hyrule Landmarks line up remarkably well. http://www.zeldalegends.net/index.php?n=article_18_p3. I'm thinking of also creating a comparison map of my own with a bit more detail.
Progress on skinning the site is coming along nicely. I think that if we divide our story lines but preserve continuity between them we should keep both projects under the "Hyrule Isle" banner.
For instance, a little I'm considering for my storyline would be Hyrule Isle: Fierce Twilight.
An possible title for yours if it includes Termina could be Hyrule Isle: Twilight's Terminus (yeah, that does sound a bit corny, doesn't it? lol).
Edit: Got the website up and running. Note that the forums require a separate login from the main site-so if you want to use the forums sign up on the forums (part of deejaygamer.com) and not on the main site.
I'll be working on a custom skin for the forums some time probably tomorrow-I've done enough work on the website for today.
Here's the outline of my story from the site:
Fierce TwilightFour years ago a Demi-Goddess named Gerudus entered the court of King Derik Wedsil Hyrule and used her unworldly persuasive abilities to convince him to take the Triforce, which for generations the royal family had been sworn to protect, for himself-an act forbidden by the Gods. He hoped that in doing this he could gain the power to better govern his people and bring them prosperity. Instead, because he was not balanced in the elements of Wisdom, Courage and Power which the Triforce represented, its power began to drive him to madness. Instead of using it to help his people, he followed Gerudus' suggestion and wished for the powers of a God. Thus began a dark age for the Kingdom of Hyrule, ruled with great negligence by the Fierce Deity King and his new Queen Gerudus.
In the present time you are a slave, forced regularly to fight as a gladiator in the arena. Today you're to face a particularly difficult battle at the request of the King's half-blood nephew Gustaf Hyrule. Shortly after your victory you discover he's looking for a champion to call for the Goddess' aid to help end the reign of his uncle and put a stop to his plans involving a certain mirror...