The home of "Hyrule Isle" and "Name Pending" storylines!
'allo there, I've come to tell you about something that a couple of us are working on, and perhaps this topic might serve as a center for our communication. We aim to build the land of Hyrule from the Legend of Zelda games, both as an addition to Oblivion and optionally as a total-conversion. ('cause choice is nice.)
So far it's DJGamer, SteelKaos, and myself.
None of our assets will come directly from any of the games, and will be made by us. Except... the stuff already in Oblivion... And any modders' resources. Or other things that are freely distributable.
At the moment we are working on races and the general mapping. I've done Hylians, Sheikah, Gerudo, and Kokiri with custom textures and outwardly-pointing ear shapes, as opposed to Altmeri flat ears. The one I am most proud of though, is the Twili race, which has some nice, pretty effects to the skin and eyes. Unfortunately, my computer is a Vista, so screenshots might take a while.
Zoras are near completion, but will require more texture work since my normal mapping program decided to stop working. The Zora's head-tail and body fins are working nicely though, and move with the body almost perfectly.
I'm still learning how to create new hair...
Gorons, Skull Kids, and Deku will also be included.
Our method will be simple and organized.
1. Create the basic Landscape. Heightmapping, terrain, and such. Likely to be larger than Cyrodiil, but we're still working this part out.
2. Complete basic content such as races, a simple set of themed clothing, light armor, and heavy armor.
3. Trees, rocks, and other landscape items, and placement of them within Hyrule.
4. Housing, furniture, and clutter assets. (Probably a whole lot of heavily-modified Oblivion things.) Sounds and music, too.
5. Clothing, Armor, Weapons, and other items.
6. Puttin' it all together.
7. Storylines and quests.
This is devised in a way that no loose ends will exist. If we are somehow unable to continue the project, anyone else would easily be able to take over if they wished.
The Storyline is where we are a bit conflicted, so we will not dwell on it, and we'll save it for last in order to focus more on the hard content. Eventually, we will split into two teams for the plots, but that won't be until all content is created. So, no major focus on that for now.
Our current skills:
-Inorganic modeling and texturing. (items, houses, etc.)
-Lifelike animation in Blender. (should be easy enough to adapt to Oblivion's style)
-Shoddy organic modeling. (characters, monsters) (srsly, help!)
-Fair Nifskope use.
-Fair Construction Set use.
-Crazy learning curve.
Skills we need:
Organic modeling/texturing.
Greater skill with Nifskope or the CS.
So yeah, at the current moment it's getting these races finished. Most of them look pretty good so far, but making the Gorons and Deku from scratch isn't something I can do myself. I can rig them and set them up for use in the CS, but the modeling and texturing isn't something I can personally do.
The Zoras haven't turned out that well in texture either. The fin models are looking fairly good so far, but it's apparent that I don't have the texturing skill for them. (Or the normal mapping program... *grumble grumble*)
We need help on modeling Gorons and Deku. I can take care of rigging.
Apart from that, any and all help will be appreciated, even from people who aren't directly involved. If you have something, send me a link to download it, or send it directly to me at .
Especially if it's hair or clothes.
But nothing that's made directly from other games' assets.
Well, let the games begin.