The Last Elder Scroll
This is the 27th of the Last Seed; the year is 100, in the 4th era. One hundred years ago, the war between realms began. Not much is known about the beginning of the invasion, many records and lives were lost in those opening months and years. Some say that there was a champion but he or she was killed trying to stop the invasion. Others maintain the hope that a champion will come along. The rest don’t believe there ever was, or ever will be a champion. The only evidence is provided by word of mouth, and even that is sketchy at the best of times.
What the people do know is that the Emperor was unable to light the Dragon fires, for an unknown reason. With that, the gate between the realms of Oblivion and Nirn were opened. The Daedra were able to amass an attack from within the Imperial City, this wasn’t the first blow to the people of Cyrodiil but it was the final. A great gate was summoned right next to the Temple of the One. Once again, the details are sketchy, some say that Mythic Dawn agents slipped into the city and summoned the great gate; others say the gates just appeared out of thin air.
When the great gate opened, vast amounts of Daedra poured through and overwhelmed the guards. The lines between the two realms blurred and Dagon himself, crossed through the gate and into Tamriel. Dagon delivered the final blow and managed to destroy the White Gold Tower, which stood in the centre of the Imperial City. Dagon and his minions laid waste to what was left of the Imperial City.
From there, the seemingly invincible army of Lord Dagon spread throughout the Empire. One by one the cities of Cyrodiil fell to his armies. Reduced to smoking ruins and blackened corpses. Within ten years, the whole of Cyrodiil was under Dagon’s control. He then set out to conquer the rest of Tamriel. It’s taken him one hundred years, but Tamriel is almost his; although it’s still unclear which cities stand and which have fallen. The people only know that the battle for Tamriel is almost over, that is because the Daedra are making the slaves build ships for them. They plan to set sail and conquer the whole of Nirn.
Once the heart of the great Imperial Empire, Cyrodiil now lies in ruins. The land scarred and burnt, its people are either dead or enslaved. The land, once lush and full of life, has been changed, slowly but surely. When an oblivion gate appeared, there was an immediate change to the surrounding area. The grass around it died, revealing a scorched earth. Huge black spikes stemmed from the ground, with blood red tips. Fire surrounded the gate along with burnt out trees. Plants from the realm of Oblivion began to grow around the gates. Bloodgrass, Harrada Root, and Spiddal Stick. The sky itself began to turn from a perfect light blue, to a chaotic red. The sky filled with what looked like cracks, all different shades of a dark red and black. It almost appeared as if it had turned to lava.
Like an infectious disease, the effect of the Oblivion gates began to spread. It was a slow transformation, but after one hundred years, the differences between the plane of Oblivion and Cyrodiil were almost non existent. The captured slaves worked to build spires and monuments, to Dagon and his minions. The slaves had been split into different groups, according to their race. Slaves are considered important by the Daedra as they provide a useful work force.
The Nords and the Orcs were been placed together and are the main labour force. This was because the two races were believed to be the strongest out of all them. Their main camp is located in the ruins of the Imperial City, which is now a huge factory capable of mass producing weapons, armour and war machines.
The Bretons were used for their healing abilities. They were placed in small healing camps situated around the camps of the other slaves. They’re used by the Daedra to heal injured workers and to stop infection and diseases among the slaves.
The use of magic was outlawed by the Daedra and anyone caught using it would be put to death, instantly. There are a few exceptions to the rule as the Breton’s use healing magic. Since the elves were known for their magic, they were all rounded up together. The Dunmer, Altmer and the Bosmer, were rounded up and taken away and every so often they would make a rare appearance. It is believed that the Dunmer are used to help create powerful destruction spells and the Bosmer are used for making powerful potions. The Altmer are kept under strict guard, as the Daedra believe they are the smartest and the most talented wielders of magicka. They aren’t allowed to see the light of day. It is unknown why they are kept alive.
The Argonians and Khajiits have all but disappeared. During the first decade, the Argonians and Khajiits were seen as an impure race. Every other race was looked down upon by the Daedra but these two races were by far the worst off. They were all rounded up and taken away. Since then, they have never been seen; it’s unclear if they even still exist.
Finally, the Imperials and Redguards. Both were looked on upon as being the average race. Both races were considered to be talented warriors, they were also strong, physically and mentally; both races were also talented in the ways of Magicka. Some Imperials and Redguards can be found in the factories, but it’s not common. Usually they are used to help cart the weapons and armour. Although they are never directly taken to the front line of the battle, they were usually met at the Cyrodillic border, by more slaves. Their largest camp is found at the ruins of Anvil, where they are required to build a mass fleet.
This is where our story begins, in the heart of Tamriel. There are rumours traveling around the camps. There is a resistance forming, to the north, where Bruma once stood. They say there is hope. The Daedra claim that Nirn was once just another realm of oblivion owned by Mehrunes Dagon but they were over thrown by the slaves. The resistance believes it can be done again.
This is the story of a slave that goes by the name of Jak and the story of the Last Elder Scroll.