Martin Septim was my Bosmer Knight's brother? :blink:
Yeah! His name is Brother Martin. He's not a blood brother, obviously, but a spiritual brother.
While in the Magician book, the protagonist has his name placed on the conDoin family tree. It doesn't actually state where he is placed, but on the official Raymond E Feist site a family tree is provided where he is the adopted son of Borric, making him the spiritual brother of Martin.
On unintended influences and so on, SubRosa and Glargg your stories were enjoyable to read.
At Acadian, I see what you are saying. Tall elves are said to be Tolkien's invention, but really elves being some kind of faerie was a change that came about in the romantic period, and before that, in Germanic Mythology, they were taller. Their name comes from a word that means short in ancient German, but I think that that is more likely to be because they were less than Gods then because they were shorter than people. Likewise the distinction between dark elves and light elves is again attributed to Tolkien, but it has been a part of Norse mythology for much, much longer.
It is slightly more pronounced in fan fiction where the common theme of a game is somewhat ever present. Fan fiction writers often tease each other about coming up with similar ideas to explain things that are not addressed in the game.
Out of interest, what kinds of things would they be?