Honestly can't imagine 0% cooldown being fun for long, personally.
Honestly can't imagine 0% cooldown being fun for long, personally.
It's probably about on-par with Wulfarth's. Neloth says that you become the second greatest dragonborn that ever lived with the knowledge of Bend Will. Add Dragon Aspect on top of that..
Probably something like..
Last Dragonborn
Assuming of course, Talos is the amalgamation of Hjalti and Wulfharth.
Edit: I forgot Miraak!
I didnt had the impression that it was that overpowered to be honest. But it has been a while so my memories arent fresh. It just enables are few combos and makes you actually feel like the Dragonborn.
Shouts are not that powerful in the vanilla game so cant destroy whole towns just with your thuum excluding Storm Call of course
When Neloth said that, i assumed he was referring to miraak as top dog, may be wrong
Much appreciated! currently rolling a nordic hero type too
Well at level 85 my character is pretty much a demi-god on master sooo... I'm gonna try this out
Understandable, but I don't like that idea that somebody we barely know about was the greatest Dragonborn ever. I'm thinkin he meant Tiber/Wulfharth or whatever.
I'm fairly confident that he was referring to Tiber Septim.
Hmmm, Neloth seems like a pretty clever guy though, and does dabble with the black books when he can, if anyone were to know of Miraak, could be him,
besides the greatest dragonborn ever is almost definitely our PC , at least eventually
edit: also, surely miraak must rank higher in your list, he has access to some pretty OP shouts
We're greater than Miraak, and Talos/Tiber Septim is still the most prominent hero in TES Lore.. so it's no shame being a little bit lower on the list than him.
The 'Last DragonBorn'. Either that or I've misunderstood this whole topic
Miraak was the most powerful Thu'um user, period. Anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves. He was blessed a Dragon's Soul making the process significantly easier. He had the help from the Daedric Prince of Forbidden Knowledge. And he has 5,000+ years of experience in a realm inhabited by Mora's powerful Daedra as target practice.
LDB, lore wise is likely going to take the title of most powerful Thu'um user after defeating Miraak. And judging by the end of Dragonborn, he may well be on his way to topping Talos as the most powerful Dragonborn.
I do it for most of my characters. The key is to not abuse it. It's a lot of fun. Just because you have zero cool downs does not mean you have to spam it. Think Miraak's combat style.
I only do this when I feel my Dragonborn has truly mastered it. I progress to it RP-wise. It works.
? It means Lady Daedric Bosmer.
You know, the Bosmer woman who got the thu'um from Meridia and became a daedra as well? Valistia?
Although I stopped.
Aye, tis true
Even so, Miraak is in my opinion, much more powerful than all the nordic tongues, not only was he dragonborn, but he had a lot of time, A LOT OF TIME, to hone his skills
Oh for sure. Miraak has mind control. He could corrupt the Standing Stones using Bend Will as well as command dragons. Plus he made Dragon Aspect which no Tongue could use.
I assumed it was in ref to the player character. I just couldn't put that together.
Dragonborn being one word was the kicker.
But... how does one know that the PC is the last, as in "no more"? Wouldn't it be more accurate to refer to them as CDB "current dragonborn" or.. CD?
Guess we'll have to see what's mentioned in the next TES title, to properly gauge the LDB's power
Alduin's Wall
The World-Eater Wakes
And the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn
And so the First Dragonborn meets the Last Dragonborn at the Summit of Apocrypha
Join the Last Dragonborn in his destruction
I get that. I'm asking if that is just dubbed or is it to be taken literal that there will not be any more?
We don't know anything for sure but the way "last" is used implies that there will not be Dragonborn any longer.
Hope it stays that way, gives our guy more significance
In order for that not to be arbitrary, it does imply that something significant becomes of our character or Akatosh.
aye, dare i say our LDB is the most important character to TES lore, of any previous titles (like main characters we control as and play)