How does the LDB's voice compare to all the great tongues from the past? Jurgen? Wulfarth?
Some of the old nordic tongues did some pretty crazy [censored] back in the day, could our Dragonborn do the same? Or perhaps more
Also, where does Miraak's thu'um rank in all of this? During the events of the DLC, id dare say his thu'um IS stronger, but afterwards, not so much
I understand that during the events of Skyrim, it's safe to say he/she has the most powerful voice AT THE TIME, but what about throughout history?
The LDB's thu'um will probably be the most powerful, in time, in my opinion
PS: It certainly doesn't feel uber strong in game, i know gameplay=/=lore, but yano, such wasted potential, and we'll probably never have another player character with the ability to shout